Popular Italian Food

When people think of popular Italian food they most likely think of spaghetti, lasagna, or tortellini. However, the popular Italian food in Italy is actually a little different and much more diverse.

A very popular Italian dish is the minestrone soup. This soup makes excellent use of one of the most popular ingredients in Italian food, beans. Beans are widely used in Italian food and are the feature ingredient in many soups, not just the minestrone. Along with beans are nuts as another popular ingredient. The main nut preferred for Italian food is the pine nut. This nut is used to not only accent pasta dishes, but also as a main ingredient in popular desserts. But, the most common and popular use of the nuts is in pesto sauce. Nothing says Italian food like a good pesto sauce.

Another popular Italian food ingredient is rice. By far the most popular use for this ingredient is in the signature Italian food dish of risotto. Here rice is mixed with broth, vegetables and spices to make a very unique and flavorful dish. Risotto is widely known as the most popular appetizer in Italian food and different regions take great pride in their individual risottos. Rice is also used in many different soups and stews throughout Italy.

The most ubiquitous of all popular Italian food ingredients is olive oil. The best olive oil is known as extra virgin olive oil and many Italian food chefs rely strictly on extra virgin olive oil. The difference between extra virgin olive oil and virgin olive oil is the acidity. In order to be classified as extra virgin the olive oil must not contain more than one percent acidity. Virgin olive oil on the other hand cannot have more than two percent acidity. Extra virgin olive oil is by far the most popular in Italian food where it is used not only to cook food in, but also as a dressing for salad and a dipping option for bread.

When discussing popular Italian food it is essential to talk about the most popular breads and pastries. Breads serve an important role in Italian food. They can be used as appetizers, sides to a meal, and desserts. The most popular breads are flavored with herbs, cheeses, and sun-dried tomatoes. An excellent dessert bread in Italian food is the biscotti which means “twice baked”. This popular dessert is more like a biscuit or cookie and is often flavored with almonds and spices. Fruit can be added to the biscotti and a popular choice is cherries. Biscotti are very versatile in Italian food, being served for breakfast with coffee or as an after dinner treat.

There is much more to Italian food than just pasta and sauce. Italian food is a cuisine of diversity. When traveling in Italy it is often amusing to see the stark difference between what Italian food is popular in America and what Italian food is popular in Italy. If you want to try some different Italian food you certainly can’t go wrong with these time tested favorites.

Sweeteners for Better Health

As people age, the body is not able to digest sugars as fast compared to before. Since this poses as a health risk, people have shifted to sweeteners. This can also be used to control blood sugar or reduce the amount of calories or carbohydrates taken into the body.

This has prompted companies to make artificial sweeteners that offer the same taste but less on the calories. Some of the brands are in the market are Equal, Canderel and NutraSweet.

The main ingredient that makes this work is aspartame. This can be found in diet drinks, multivitamins and other products. The person can substitute this for sugar commonly used in coffee or tea and still enjoy the same good taste will less calories.

The person can buy this in small sachets which are good for trips or buy it in the form of bottle that can be used for the home.

Another low calorie sweetener out in the market is Splenda. The main ingredient that makes this work is Sucralose. The process takes away the calories normally found in sugar and when consumed, this passes into the body without being converted into energy. This simply goes in and out to add flavor to the drink or the food taken in without causing any effects on the body.

Another sweetener can be taken from sugarcane. This is called a wholesome sweetener and the person can find this in the grocery with the name Sucanat on the label. The name stands for sugar cane natural and gives the user the much needed vitamins and nutrients as part of the healthy diet.

Corn sweetener is another alternative to those who want a healthy lifestyle. This comes in a variety of products that people find in the supermarket.

All of these sweeteners can be mixed with a drink or with food. This has proven to be safe for women who are pregnant and on patients who have been diagnosed with diabetes.

Is there a brand that stands out among the rest? The answer is no. Though some are more popular in certain places, the other brands have shown to stand out in other countries. If these are all available in the grocery, it will be a good idea to read the back of the label to compare the ingredients and minerals each of the sweeteners give.

The basis for choosing one brand over the other is not about the price but the healthful benefit that the product can give.

Equal Sweetener – What is it About

Recent studies have shown that too much sugar may be bad for the health. This could to lead diseases such as diabetes that could lead to the complications.

Since people still need sugar in the system but in reduced amounts, companies have decided to make artificial sweeteners and Equal is one of the popular brands in the market.

This product is marketed and exported throughout the world by the Merisant Corporation. The company has offices in the United States, Mexico, Switzerland and Australia.

The main ingredient is aspartame which is a substitute for natural sugar that can be mixed in food or in the persons drink. The chemical composition is made up of 50% phenylalanine, 40% aspartic acid and 10% methanol.

There are those who claim that taking this either through food or drink is harmful to the health but there have been no studies published in any magazines to publicly announce the potential risk.

However, there have been some reports that this can cause dizziness, headaches, weight gain, memory loss, anxiety and rashes.

It is funny to know that this is used on a variety of products and people dont really realize it. These products are breath mints, toothpaste, cereals and multi-vitamins that are all available in the supermarket. People have been taking this for years!

Equal sweetener can be purchased at the grocery. This also comes now in bars with various flavors such as Peach, Lemon and Vanilla Bean. This can be purchased in bottles, box or packets making this easy to have around the house or when going on a business trip or a vacation out of town.

The product should be stored in room temperature at all times and is good for up to 3 years.

Equal and the main ingredient aspartame have undergone more than 200 lab tests by various organizations. These bodies have been certified to be safe by the United States Food and Drug Administration and the World Health Organization.

Studies have shown that this can be mixed with tea or coffee more than once a day. According to one study, a person can drink up to 97 packets a day which is still safe.

It has been proven to be safe for those diagnosed with diabetes since sugar is also needed to maintain the carbohydrate count in the body.

The person can check with a dietitian before trying this product and get information from other brands that also provide artificial sweeteners in the market before choosing the one to use for the home.

Equal as an Artificial Sweetener

More people are diagnosed with diabetes which is usually caused by being overweight. If nothing is done, this could lead to further complications and death. The good news is that this disease is treatable.

One of the indications that the person is healthy is based on the sugar level in the body. Those that are too high can be reduced by taking one of the most popular artificial sweeteners in the market namely Equal.

The product has been exported all over the world and is distributed by the Merisant Corporation. This has been certified to be safe by the Food and Drugs Administration after passing numerous tests.

Equal uses aspartame as a main ingredient. This is also used by other artificial sweetener products such as NutraSweet and Canderel. This is broken down to 50% of phenylanine, 40% of aspartic acid and 10% methanol.

The person can substitute this for regular sugar in coffee or tea. This can also be used during baking or cooking to add flavor without the extra calories.

Is Equal absolutely safe? Yes. But there are those who claim that this can harmful to the body and people have experience dizziness, headaches, weight gain, memory loss, anxiety and rashes. No tests have proven this to be true since these are isolated cases.

Aspartame, the main ingredient in Equal has been used on a variety of products before it was made into an artificial sweetener. A few examples are breath mints, toothpaste, cereals and multi-vitamins which can be purchased at the supermarket.

Equal sweetener can be purchased in the grocery by the bottle or in boxes. This makes it easy to store at home and bring when the person is out on a trip. The company has made this available in the form of a health bar. The current flavors are Peach, Lemon and Vanilla Bean.

Equal has a shelf life of three years. This should also be stored in room temperature to maintain the quality of the product.

How many times can Equal be taken in a day? Tests have shown that this can be taken in more than 90 times in a single day. This is because no calories are absorbed by the body which is perfect for regular coffee or tea drinkers.

Equal can be used for baking and cooking. The person check out the website for a few ideas and read some magazines to make some healthy dishes.

Artificial Sweeteners for Pregnant Woman

The health of a newborn child even before this comes out of the womb of the mother will really depend on the diet during the crucial 9 months. This has prompted mothers to reduce the amount of sugar taken into the body by relying on artificial sweeteners.

Are this safe for the pregnant mother? The answer is yes. This is because it offers zero calories and has the right amount of vitamins and minerals per serving. This should be taken in moderation since this could contribute also to excess weight gain especially for women who are diagnosed with diabetes should be more careful since

There are a variety of products that are available in the market and these may contain any of the following ingredient; honey, sucrose, dextrose, corn sugar, fructose or maltose.

Sugar alcohol can also be considered as an artificial sweetener most of these are sugar free. A few examples of these are sorbitol, hydrogenated starch, mannitol, xylitol and isomalt.

There are many artificial sweeteners to choose from. The first is Sunnet. This is made from Acesulfame Potassium which can be added to drinks, desserts and baked goods.

The next is Equal or NutraSweet which is made up of the ingredient called Aspartame. This can be taken in large amounts without worrying about any calories until the lactation period. This is also used by people who are diagnosed with diabetes.

The only time this is not safe for pregnant women is when the patient is diagnosed to have a rare liver disease or those who have high levels of phenylalanine in the blood. This will only hinder the metabolism of aspartame in the body.

Another artificial sweetener good for those who are pregnant is Splenda. The main ingredient is sucralose. This is used on a variety of products such as non-alcoholic drinks, juices, condiments, baked goods and coffee or tea products.

All of these products have been certified by the Food and Drugs Administration. Those who want to be sure this is safe can first consult a doctor before using any of these products. The professional can give the right amount that the body can consume on a given day.

The only time artificial sweeteners are unsafe is when the person buys products such as cyclamate, saccharin and stevia. The ingredients have been linked to cancers which are harmful to both the mother and the baby.