The Best Sports Nutrition Before A Competition

What is the best sports nutrition for an athlete? There is no definitive answer to this. No athlete has the same need. It all depends on the physique of an athlete and the kind of sports that he or she is into.

So, if you are contemplating on joining an endurance sports competition, the best sports nutrition for you is the nutritional table fit for an athlete that expects long hours of vigorous physical activity and mental alertness even when tired.

Endurance sports test the physical and mental fortitude of an athlete; if you are not well fed for this kind of competition, it would be better for you if you would back off from the competition.

Best Sports Nutrition for Endurance Sports Athletes

– Best sports nutrition a day before the event

Do not overwork yourself on the day before the event. It would be wise if you would only do stretching and a few kilometers of jogging, eat protein rich food, hydrate yourself (a lot!) and rest for the rest of the evening because you need to get up early, as early as four hours before the game.

The best sports nutrition in endurance sports is hydration. You should be hydrating yourself even a week before the game. This is to keep your body cleansed, fueled and watered for the coming event.

If you only hydrate yourself on the day of the event, you won’t hold too much water. Most of the liquid that you intake will only seep out through sweat. So, if you want to go to the game in full tank, drink lots of water beforehand.

Another best sports nutrition tip that you must learn by heart is to eat food rich in protein, to keep your muscles in shape, and carbohydrates so that your glycogen stores would be at their best. You can hydrate yourself well with sports drink that contains minerals to balance your electrolytes level.

– Best sports nutrition hours before the event

Eat a meal before you run. This is the best sports nutrition advice that you should keep in mind. You need glucose to keep your blood sugar in normal levels. Glucose fuels the brain and the muscles during an activity.

If you lack glucose in your body, you cannot think properly because your brain does not have enough fuel that it needs. Worse, you might faint even before the race begins of hypoglycemia.

Having enough stores of glucose in your body will keep you alert and going even for long hours of physical activity. So, don’t forget to eat a light to moderate meal before you race.

Sports nutrition experts recommend one to four hours before the assembly time and then nibble 50 grams of carbohydrate every hour before the game starts.

Instant oatmeal, bananas, low fat milk and energy bars are good sources of carbohydrates. Always follow a meal with water or sports drink. Never drink soda or caffeinated beverages because they will work of you as diuretics. According to the best sports nutrition magazines in the country, caffeine drains the body of fluid.

Add up salty foods to your meal. Salt will help you retain more water in your body.

Wholesome Sweeteners Anyone

Everyone needs a little sugar inside the body. This is because the people who are getting older can no longer take in the regular white sugar anymore due to health risks such as diabetes. This has prompted manufacturers to create substitutes and one example is the wholesome sweetener.

This may come from a variety of sources. A very good example is sugar cane. Can this happen? The answer is yes. Apart from being an alternative fuel cost better than oil, this can be converted into a sweetener.

This has been developed by Dr. Beguin. This is done by crushing the plants then evaporating the syrup. The process preserves the molasses commonly found in sugar cane.

Sucanat means sugar cane natural. Studies have shown that this is rich in vitamins and minerals to help maintain the persons blood sugar. This is all natural since there are no added additives or preservatives which are commonly used on other kinds of artificial sweeteners.

This comes in powdered form that is bought in bags or packets ideal for traveling or just to be used at home. The person can do this with coffee or tea and experience the difference from this all natural formula that is available at the nearest grocery store.

In some countries, brown sugar is preferred over white. Studies have shown that Sucanat performs better since it has 3% mineral salts compared to only .5% of the latter.

This also tastes better making this a good substitute from regular sugar.

Can Sucanat be used in dishes as well? The answer is yes. This can be used to replace the use of sugar in baking a cake and is proven to taste even sweeter when it is eaten.

People are more conscious about health compared to years before. There are many sweeteners to choose from and the basis should not be because of the price.

The person should do some research on the ingredients that were used in making this happen and how it may affect the individuals health. To date, no research has shown any side effects that may be harmful when taking artificial sweeteners.

The person should just try each of the brands available in the market before becoming a regular user.

Sucanat is a wholesome sweetener that provides the body with the right amount of nutrients to maintain the persons blood sugar. The person should give it a try and bring a pack home to taste the difference.

Sweeteners for Diabetics

The latest physical checkup at the doctor has just diagnosed the patient as a diabetic. This may occur because the body is not able to produce enough insulin or can no longer do it. This disease is commonly related to being overweight and can be averted with a change in diet.

Sugar is something people need in the body. Being diagnosed as a diabetic doesnt mean the person can longer take this in. The individual must be aware of the types of sugar that can raise the blood sugar in the system that is bad for the health which can only happen by understanding the regimen set by the doctor and following the dietary plan.

For years, companies have produced various artificial sweeteners. Some of these do not affect the blood sugar of the person while there are those that do. A few examples that affect the system are white sugar, honey, corn syrup, brown sugar and fructose which can still be taken but in very limited amounts.

Calorie free sweeteners are those that contain aspartame, sucralose, saccharine and Acesulphame K. These are better known as Equal, Splenda, Nutrasweet and Sucanat. These products can be taken in large amounts and are either mixed with the food or in the drink.

These products have been tested numerous times and are certified by the FDA. There are other products in the market that have ingredients such as sorbitol and mannitol can also be used but in small amounts since this usually causes diarrhea. Diabetics who come across products that have stevia or cyclamates should not be used since these have not yet been approved.

Diabetes is treatable even if this is a type 1 or a type 2. The person can still live a normal life as long as certain changes in the lifestyle are done. The use of artificial sweeteners basically adds taste to the drink or food the individual has for a snack or in the meal. This is healthy since no calories are absorbed which could be harmful to the body.

The person can buy these artificial sweeteners in packs or in boxes which are perfect for the home or when traveling. The patient should still have regular visits with the doctor to test the blood sugar. By following the program set by the doctor, the person will be able to live a healthy life even after being diagnosed with diabetes.

Sweeteners for Better Health

As people age, the body is not able to digest sugars as fast compared to before. Since this poses as a health risk, people have shifted to sweeteners. This can also be used to control blood sugar or reduce the amount of calories or carbohydrates taken into the body.

This has prompted companies to make artificial sweeteners that offer the same taste but less on the calories. Some of the brands are in the market are Equal, Canderel and NutraSweet.

The main ingredient that makes this work is aspartame. This can be found in diet drinks, multivitamins and other products. The person can substitute this for sugar commonly used in coffee or tea and still enjoy the same good taste will less calories.

The person can buy this in small sachets which are good for trips or buy it in the form of bottle that can be used for the home.

Another low calorie sweetener out in the market is Splenda. The main ingredient that makes this work is Sucralose. The process takes away the calories normally found in sugar and when consumed, this passes into the body without being converted into energy. This simply goes in and out to add flavor to the drink or the food taken in without causing any effects on the body.

Another sweetener can be taken from sugarcane. This is called a wholesome sweetener and the person can find this in the grocery with the name Sucanat on the label. The name stands for sugar cane natural and gives the user the much needed vitamins and nutrients as part of the healthy diet.

Corn sweetener is another alternative to those who want a healthy lifestyle. This comes in a variety of products that people find in the supermarket.

All of these sweeteners can be mixed with a drink or with food. This has proven to be safe for women who are pregnant and on patients who have been diagnosed with diabetes.

Is there a brand that stands out among the rest? The answer is no. Though some are more popular in certain places, the other brands have shown to stand out in other countries. If these are all available in the grocery, it will be a good idea to read the back of the label to compare the ingredients and minerals each of the sweeteners give.

The basis for choosing one brand over the other is not about the price but the healthful benefit that the product can give.