Rachel Ray Cooking – You Can Do It

Rachel Ray cooking is a type of cooking that even a brand new cook can manage. And rather than just end up with something okay, even a new cook can get awesome results right away. That’s because Rachel Ray’s recipes are designed to be easy and fast.

Her 30 Minute Meals is a top television show. It rocketed her to stardom, first on the Food Network as a chef, and then as a product spokesperson, magazine publisher and talk show host. It seems that everyone likes Rachel Ray, and even if they don’t, they know who she is.

There are dozens of top chefs who have shows on the Food Network. They all have best-selling cookbooks, their own cooking tools, their own food items and other things that they sell. All these chefs specialize in something.

One is an expert on making foods for parties, while another cooks down-home Southern food. Other shows demonstrate exotic European recipes. And Rachel Ray’s shows feature recipes that anyone at home can make without needing to go to specialty shops or take cooking lessons.

There’s no one type of food you’ll be cooking with Rachel Ray. She demonstrates Italian foods, American specialties like cheeseburgers, sandwiches, salads, Greek Food and almost every type of food. The only thing she specializes in is recipes that are delicious and easy to make.

Something that attracts people to her show is the ability to create a great meal in just a half an hour. It’s certainly not impossible to make your own meal in 30 minutes. Especially if you open boxes and cans and only have to add a few ingredients to the pre-packaged items.

But this is far from a healthy way to eat. And by Rachel Ray’s advice, if you read the label and can’t pronounce something on it, you probably should not be eating it. Her recipes feature natural foods that you’re familiar with and probably already buy.

Since she feels this way, her 30 minute recipes have ingredients that are all basic and healthful. And by using her recipes to make great meals, you won’t have to deal with harmful additives and the tons of sodium and fat found in pre-packaged foods.

Even in her recipes that might call for a jarred or canned ingredient, it’s easy to make sure it’s super healthy. Just choose the brand with the most natural ingredients. If the recipe calls for prepared pasta sauce, for instance, choose an organic brand, or at least one without things like high-fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated oils.

Rachel Ray’s cooking certainly won’t call for ingredients like that. And a great side benefit of following her 30 minute meals is that you get trained to do it on your own. After you’ve been following her recipes for a while, you’ll have your own ideas.

You may suddenly see how to turn a complicated recipe into something simpler, and faster to prepare. So while it’s fun to watch Rachel Ray cooking on TV, you’ll soon be making your own 30 minute meals without even looking at her recipes.

Sweeteners for Diabetics

The latest physical checkup at the doctor has just diagnosed the patient as a diabetic. This may occur because the body is not able to produce enough insulin or can no longer do it. This disease is commonly related to being overweight and can be averted with a change in diet.

Sugar is something people need in the body. Being diagnosed as a diabetic doesnt mean the person can longer take this in. The individual must be aware of the types of sugar that can raise the blood sugar in the system that is bad for the health which can only happen by understanding the regimen set by the doctor and following the dietary plan.

For years, companies have produced various artificial sweeteners. Some of these do not affect the blood sugar of the person while there are those that do. A few examples that affect the system are white sugar, honey, corn syrup, brown sugar and fructose which can still be taken but in very limited amounts.

Calorie free sweeteners are those that contain aspartame, sucralose, saccharine and Acesulphame K. These are better known as Equal, Splenda, Nutrasweet and Sucanat. These products can be taken in large amounts and are either mixed with the food or in the drink.

These products have been tested numerous times and are certified by the FDA. There are other products in the market that have ingredients such as sorbitol and mannitol can also be used but in small amounts since this usually causes diarrhea. Diabetics who come across products that have stevia or cyclamates should not be used since these have not yet been approved.

Diabetes is treatable even if this is a type 1 or a type 2. The person can still live a normal life as long as certain changes in the lifestyle are done. The use of artificial sweeteners basically adds taste to the drink or food the individual has for a snack or in the meal. This is healthy since no calories are absorbed which could be harmful to the body.

The person can buy these artificial sweeteners in packs or in boxes which are perfect for the home or when traveling. The patient should still have regular visits with the doctor to test the blood sugar. By following the program set by the doctor, the person will be able to live a healthy life even after being diagnosed with diabetes.

Stevia and Honey – Safe and Sorry

Society today has slowly seen the negative side of sugar. This is why most people would prefer to avoid eating sweet foods, which is quite next to impossible. People love sugar and will probably give up all the other stuff in life before giving up on it.

To answer this need, companies have come up with several alternatives to sugar that are much lower in caloric and carbohydrate content. Unfortunately, because it is not as natural as the ordinary table sugar, people feel that too much consumption of these sugar substitutes can be harmful to the body. They are afraid that just as it took forever for them to discover the problems that sugar can cause, it will also take forever before they will find out just how harmful the sugar substitutes are to the body.

One substitute though that is still considered safe is the honey, which directly comes from honeybees. Because honey is a combination of different kinds of sugars such as fructose, which can be seen in fruits, maltose, glucose, and sucrose, honey is more balanced and has a better effect on the body. It is better absorbed by the body and presents lesser load for the pancreas, which filters the sugar and activates the insulin system.

One disadvantage though that honey provides is the fact that it is very vulnerable to industrial chemicals being a very natural product. Genetically-modified pollen can cause pests like the Varroa mite. This in turn will increase the possibility of the use of some chemical pesticides that may affect the honey that it being produced. Another potential problem is the use of antibiotics that may be potentially harmful to people when ingested indirectly through the honey. In addition to this, honey although quite a healthy alternative for people with normal conditions, cannot be used by diabetics.

Another potential sugar savior is stevia, which is a South American herb that has been used in Japan for centuries. Records also show that native Americans also use this herb in their food. It has a low caloric content and provides great therapy for thrush, which is exacerbated by the consumption of too much sugar. In fact, stevia is believed to be capable of stabilizing the sugar level of diabetics.

However, despite its glowing reviews and resume, stevia has failed to gain an approval from the United States Food and Drug Administration when the agency rejected the call for the herb to have a GRAS (generally recognized as safe) status.

Artificial Sweeteners for Pregnant Woman

The health of a newborn child even before this comes out of the womb of the mother will really depend on the diet during the crucial 9 months. This has prompted mothers to reduce the amount of sugar taken into the body by relying on artificial sweeteners.

Are this safe for the pregnant mother? The answer is yes. This is because it offers zero calories and has the right amount of vitamins and minerals per serving. This should be taken in moderation since this could contribute also to excess weight gain especially for women who are diagnosed with diabetes should be more careful since

There are a variety of products that are available in the market and these may contain any of the following ingredient; honey, sucrose, dextrose, corn sugar, fructose or maltose.

Sugar alcohol can also be considered as an artificial sweetener most of these are sugar free. A few examples of these are sorbitol, hydrogenated starch, mannitol, xylitol and isomalt.

There are many artificial sweeteners to choose from. The first is Sunnet. This is made from Acesulfame Potassium which can be added to drinks, desserts and baked goods.

The next is Equal or NutraSweet which is made up of the ingredient called Aspartame. This can be taken in large amounts without worrying about any calories until the lactation period. This is also used by people who are diagnosed with diabetes.

The only time this is not safe for pregnant women is when the patient is diagnosed to have a rare liver disease or those who have high levels of phenylalanine in the blood. This will only hinder the metabolism of aspartame in the body.

Another artificial sweetener good for those who are pregnant is Splenda. The main ingredient is sucralose. This is used on a variety of products such as non-alcoholic drinks, juices, condiments, baked goods and coffee or tea products.

All of these products have been certified by the Food and Drugs Administration. Those who want to be sure this is safe can first consult a doctor before using any of these products. The professional can give the right amount that the body can consume on a given day.

The only time artificial sweeteners are unsafe is when the person buys products such as cyclamate, saccharin and stevia. The ingredients have been linked to cancers which are harmful to both the mother and the baby.

Agave Sweeteners- The Organic Way of Sweetening your Food

Agave sweetener is one of the alternative sweetener in the market that is enjoying a large following despite the fact that there are a lot of different kinds of sweeteners available. This is because of its rich taste and versatility in function.

The word agave is actually derived from a Greek word that means noble. Agave sweetener is made from an organic material, the agave syrup that comes from the sap of agave or maguey plants hearts. An agave that is already mature have leaves that can rise to as tall as 5-8 feet and have a diameter of about 7-12 feet. The plant can live for about 8-15 years depending of course with the way it is grown and of course the climate.

In Mexico alone, there are about 136 different kinds of Agave plants. The blue agave or what is known there as the Agave tequilana weber azul, is actually used to produce tequila. This is also used to make agave syrup.

Some agave plants are also used in combination with other species to produce mescal, a form of alcohol that is almost similar to the tequila.Compared to other kinds of agave, the blue agave has a higher fructose content. For this reason and a host of other reasons, it is considered the finest agave in the world.

Being a natural product, agave syrup can be a great and safe sweetener. The sweetener is derived from the carbohydrates present in the agave plant through a process called thermic or heat. This will then create sugar, whose main ingredient is inulin or fructosan, a complex form of carbohydrate.

There are no chemicals involved in this process. The juice of the agave is extracted from the core or heart of the plant. This dark juice contains minerals that has a natural flavor. It smells like vanilla. Solids that are found in the liquid will then be removed through a fine filtration process, thus removing the dark color and producing a consistency that is thinner than honey.

Fructose, one of the main ingredients of agave sweetener, can be found in fruits and vegetables, hence the name. Agave sweetener, however, is much sweeter than sucrose but has the same caloric contest as sucrose or what we call the table sugar.

Today, agave syrup is derived not only from the blue agave but also from other varieties such as the Salmania, the grey agave, the thorny agave, the rainbow agave and the green agave.