Warning Signs of Food Allergies

As you may have known already, food allergy is an unusual reaction to food that is elicited by an exposure to certain food types which then creates a response from the immune system. The reaction that the immune system eventually generates will then cause discomfiting symptoms.

Looking more closely, food allergens (the ones that causes allergic reactions) are proteins that unfortunately withstood the high temperatures of cooking as well as the acidic substances and enzymes of the gastrointestinal system. These allergens consequently live on to pass through the linings of the gastrointestinal tract, disperse into the blood circulatory system, and travel to organs of target, which results to different allergic symptoms all over the body.

Food allergy symptoms are commonly noted as irritation of the skin which may involve hives, eczema, and a simple rash. Other symptoms may also include irritations in the gastrointestinal organs like vomiting, indigestion, diarrhea, stomach aches, and nausea. Through the years, there have been numerous documented allergic reactions seen in a lot of people, the following is additional information about other allergic symptoms that even you have experienced but have failed to take notice:

– insomniac tendencies or sleeping difficulties
– moodiness
– fatigue
– heartburn
– constipation
– symptoms that resemble arthritis
– canker sores
– nocturnal enuresis or bed wetting
– inflammation of the face and lips
– rhinitis
– migraine
– wheezing

Furthermore, allergic reactions to a specific kind of food can also generate a specific symptom. Therefore there are symptoms that can pinpoint to a certain type of food allergy which can then be quite useful in figuring out what medications to administer and the formulation of a management plan. In other words, it is possible to determine the source of the allergy by evaluating the symptoms.

Simple headaches are usually symptoms of an allergic reaction to chocolates and wheat. Migraines, on the other hand, are typically caused by an allergy to cheese, nuts, citrus fruits, tomatoes, milk, eggs, and MSG or monosodium glutamate. Monosodium glutamate is a chemical used for seasonings in a lot of foods but only those which have excessive amounts can cause allergic reactions.

Eczema or atopic dermatitis, which is a swelling and drying of the skin, can be seen in allergies to citrus fruits, eggs, and tomatoes. Hives or urticaria is also a form of skin irritation which is represented by elevated skin welts that are reddish. Hives can be very itchy, this allergic reaction is common among tomatoes, eggs, shellfish, mangoes, pork meat, nuts, and strawberries.

Asthma is commonly seen in wheat and egg allergies.

There are also allergy manifestations that affect the physical energy, consciousness, and emotions of a person. These reactions can be regularly seen in allergies to wheat, soybeans, corn, and milk.

As you may have observed, many types of foods share the same symptoms most of the time. A careful assessment and physical evaluation is needed to at least determine the source of the allergy. It is not only in the symptoms that medical professionals can determine what the source of allergy is but also through blood tests, diet eliminations, and food challenges. Careful assessment of daily food intake by the patient can be of great help in pinpointing the culprit and as well as a comprehensive analysis of the symptoms observed.

Furthermore, a consultation with a reputable allergist who will be part of the medical team can assist you in fighting your allergy that may have caused you great discomfort in your daily life.

Food Allergy Management at Schools

Food allergy is a serious condition that can threaten the lives of people especially students at school. Food allergy also known as food hypersensitivity is the immune system’s reaction to the types of food containing protein or other ingredients. Thus, a certified allergist is needed to diagnose food allergy.

The symptoms of food allergy may greatly vary among individuals because of different exposures to food allergens. The time of attacks and severity also depend on the reaction to the types of food that are eaten. Food allergy’s most common symptoms include: skin irritations like hives, eczema, and rashes; gastrointestinal symptoms like vomiting and diarrhea; and runny nose, breath shortness, and sneezing.

If not treated properly, severe reactions can lead to anaphylaxis, a fatal condition that requires instant medical attention. This is manifested by speedy onset of concurrent reactions such as hives, itching, swollen throat, difficult breathing, low blood pressure, and unconsciousness at some instances.

However, if food allergy management is incorporated, students can be handled without too much risk. The secret to its effectiveness lies on knowing and doing the responsibilities of the concerned parties. In this manner, students with food allergies are provided with a safe and sound educational environment.

The family of students with food allergy should notify the school about their condition. They must work with the school’s administration to create a plan on how to accommodate the needs of their children inside the classroom, cafeteria, post-care programs, school bus, FAAP (Food Allergy Action Plan), and sponsored activities in school. Medical instructions, documentations, and medications provided by the child’s physician through the FAAP must be submitted including photos.

Medicines must be disposed upon expiration or replaced after use with proper labels. Parents should educate their children about unsafe and safe types of food, strategies to avoid unsafe types of food, allergic symptoms, reading labels of types of food, and right time to tell adult once allergic symptoms occur. Review procedures and policies with your child, child’s physician, and school staff. Never forget to give contact information in case of emergency.

The school should be knowledgeable regarding federal laws and any district or state policies. They must review the student’s health records provided by their physicians and parents. They must create a school team which are composed of a school principal, nurses, teachers, school food services, counselor, and nutrition director to work effectively with both students and parents and establish a major prevention plan.

Students with food allergy must be included in all school activities. Fieldtrips and no eating rules on school busses must be thoroughly discussed with parents and administrators. School staff with direct contacts to the students knows about food allergy, recognizes its symptoms, coordinates with other staff to get rid of allergens in the meals, school projects, educational tools, or incentives of allergic students.

Proper coordination and cooperation of all school staff is needed so that FAAP becomes efficient and effective. All medications are properly secure and accessible within school premises. However, regulations stated in the federal laws must be strictly followed.

The students should never trade different types of food with other students, eat types of food without knowing its ingredients, participate actively on the FAAP, and immediately notify adults in cases of emergency.

Students can outgrow their food allergies through proper management. Making this as part of their daily activities can enhance safety as well as food enjoyment throughout their lives. Planning well and joining forces together will definitely end well.

What Keeps The Athletes Going

If you are one of those ill-witted who perceive athletes as gods who dont need to stop to take in air, or to relax when there is need for relaxation, then perhaps it would be much of a disappointment to you to find out that athletes are not so different from those who are not athletes for they also make use of supplements to get them going.

It is part of their diet to take in supplements to have an enhancement of their endurance, and also to increase or, if not increase, maintain the appropriate muscle mass to be able to improve size and strength.

Protein supplements are part of sports nutrition, without these said sports nutrition supplements; athletes would not be the way they are at present. However, contrary to what most people think, diets jampacked with protein do not necessarily build up muscle strength.

Yeah, sports nutrition supplements sound so good but they can also put a strain on your liver and kidneys, which is the main reason why sports nutrition experts discourage taking them.

Some other sports nutrition supplements also have high amounts of nitrogen, which will only be excreted from your body as urea. But it is not as easy nor is it as safe as it sounds for this said exretion oftenly causes fluid imbalance, which will then lead to dehydration.

Another disadvantage of sports nutrition supplements is that there is a huge tendency that you will ingest amino acids that are capable of interfering with other amino acids, which will have a result of a metabolic imbalance.

Sports nutrition supplements that have high amounts of amino aids can also cause gout; diarrhea and stomach cramping that can rank from mild to severe pain.

Even if sports nutrition supplements are being discouraged by sports nutrition experts, Bricker Labs, a sports nutrition supplement manufacturer, still do a lot of advertising and manufacturing as well.

Bricker Labs has over thirty years to blame for their success in their provision of sports nutrition supplements. They do not apply to sports nutrition only too, but also to weight loss, diet, health and other nutritional aspects.

So if you have plans to take any kind of sports nutrition supplements, then Bricker Labs is probably the sports nutrition supplement manufacturer to trust. Why? It is because they use ingredients that are safer than what other sports nutrition supplements contain. What kind of ingredients, you ask?

They make us of the L-Carnitine, which is mainly there for weight loss, energy and also for having a healthy heart function; Colostrum, which gives your body a healthy immune system function and also gives your body an improved stamina and also for an easier recovery in almost all cases; Vandayl Sulfate, which is capable of growing your muscles and also has the ability to define your muscles; Protein, everyone knows what protein is for and that is for sports nutrition, and also for health and muscle growth.

Another is the Creatine, which is also for sports nutrition and muscle growth but it also involves bodybuilding this time; HCA or Garcinia Cambogia, for losing weight and suppressing your appetite; and last but certainly not the least, Vitamin B-12, this one is for overall health and nutrition.

So what more could you ask for? Sports nutrition supplements give you what you need, what your body needs and boosts your ego all the same time.

Sweeteners for Diabetics

The latest physical checkup at the doctor has just diagnosed the patient as a diabetic. This may occur because the body is not able to produce enough insulin or can no longer do it. This disease is commonly related to being overweight and can be averted with a change in diet.

Sugar is something people need in the body. Being diagnosed as a diabetic doesnt mean the person can longer take this in. The individual must be aware of the types of sugar that can raise the blood sugar in the system that is bad for the health which can only happen by understanding the regimen set by the doctor and following the dietary plan.

For years, companies have produced various artificial sweeteners. Some of these do not affect the blood sugar of the person while there are those that do. A few examples that affect the system are white sugar, honey, corn syrup, brown sugar and fructose which can still be taken but in very limited amounts.

Calorie free sweeteners are those that contain aspartame, sucralose, saccharine and Acesulphame K. These are better known as Equal, Splenda, Nutrasweet and Sucanat. These products can be taken in large amounts and are either mixed with the food or in the drink.

These products have been tested numerous times and are certified by the FDA. There are other products in the market that have ingredients such as sorbitol and mannitol can also be used but in small amounts since this usually causes diarrhea. Diabetics who come across products that have stevia or cyclamates should not be used since these have not yet been approved.

Diabetes is treatable even if this is a type 1 or a type 2. The person can still live a normal life as long as certain changes in the lifestyle are done. The use of artificial sweeteners basically adds taste to the drink or food the individual has for a snack or in the meal. This is healthy since no calories are absorbed which could be harmful to the body.

The person can buy these artificial sweeteners in packs or in boxes which are perfect for the home or when traveling. The patient should still have regular visits with the doctor to test the blood sugar. By following the program set by the doctor, the person will be able to live a healthy life even after being diagnosed with diabetes.