Cure For Food Allergy with Psychological Origin

Food allergy is one of the easiest conditions to cure when talking about psychological methods. However, it is recommended to use other methods that are widely available. It is because one treatment may be effective for one person but not to others. From the point of view of some psychologists, food allergy has something to do with emotional experiences or illnesses from years ago. However, most people are unconscious about it.

Take for instance; when you were a child, you have developed headaches or nausea from bugs that you have picked up and have associated it with the food you have eaten recently. If you experience the same thing in the days to come, it could bring back the same emotional upset and symptoms of the disease.

To eliminate food allergy in relation to psychological origins, you need to successfully send the message to your subconscious mind for breaking that association. You can get the help of a hypnotist or a knowledgeable friend about the process.

You need to dig deeper to find out the origin of your food allergy. It is necessary to determine the first incident that connects food allergy into your life. Your subconscious state definitely know what had happened that time and for sure that would be likely traumatic. But you don’t need to be upset again, you were young before and as you are getting more mature, your way of thinking also changes. Take away all your negative emotions that you have felt before because of food allergy, and start to think recovery from that distressful situation.

More often it can be caused by what somebody said (it can include your parent, doctor, teacher, or another child) or something you witnessed in connection with food allergy. Whatever it is, there is something that was imprinted subconsciously and still operates presently. Thus you don’t want to have such a condition. If you know the origin of food allergy, then it is easy to find the cure.

Talking to the subconscious mind and letting it do what the therapist say needs a trigger and a command. Your therapist can tell it to disconnect all the things that are associated to your food allergy in all the levels of your subconscious mind so that the condition will never bother you again.

A friend can do it for you. Take for instance; let your friend start the procedure by snapping his/her fingers or clapping his/her hands. You can close your eyes and begin to imagine eating the food that caused your food allergy. See how you feel. This may sound ridiculous for people who are not a therapist but can work for many sufferers of food allergy.

Your subconscious mind is not considered a reasonable mind but a mind which follows order. Again try to imagine eating the foods you are allergic to, extend your imagination until the food allergy symptoms appear, and then observe your feelings. If you feel the symptoms, then it shows that it is in your mind. This procedure can be done repeatedly until the results become positive.

This method provides no guarantees, however it can make a difference. Food allergies can be recurrent during an emotional upset. Just do the procedure all over again until your upsetting episode is over. Food allergies with psychological origin can be treated in this way. But still, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Warning Signs of Food Allergies

As you may have known already, food allergy is an unusual reaction to food that is elicited by an exposure to certain food types which then creates a response from the immune system. The reaction that the immune system eventually generates will then cause discomfiting symptoms.

Looking more closely, food allergens (the ones that causes allergic reactions) are proteins that unfortunately withstood the high temperatures of cooking as well as the acidic substances and enzymes of the gastrointestinal system. These allergens consequently live on to pass through the linings of the gastrointestinal tract, disperse into the blood circulatory system, and travel to organs of target, which results to different allergic symptoms all over the body.

Food allergy symptoms are commonly noted as irritation of the skin which may involve hives, eczema, and a simple rash. Other symptoms may also include irritations in the gastrointestinal organs like vomiting, indigestion, diarrhea, stomach aches, and nausea. Through the years, there have been numerous documented allergic reactions seen in a lot of people, the following is additional information about other allergic symptoms that even you have experienced but have failed to take notice:

– insomniac tendencies or sleeping difficulties
– moodiness
– fatigue
– heartburn
– constipation
– symptoms that resemble arthritis
– canker sores
– nocturnal enuresis or bed wetting
– inflammation of the face and lips
– rhinitis
– migraine
– wheezing

Furthermore, allergic reactions to a specific kind of food can also generate a specific symptom. Therefore there are symptoms that can pinpoint to a certain type of food allergy which can then be quite useful in figuring out what medications to administer and the formulation of a management plan. In other words, it is possible to determine the source of the allergy by evaluating the symptoms.

Simple headaches are usually symptoms of an allergic reaction to chocolates and wheat. Migraines, on the other hand, are typically caused by an allergy to cheese, nuts, citrus fruits, tomatoes, milk, eggs, and MSG or monosodium glutamate. Monosodium glutamate is a chemical used for seasonings in a lot of foods but only those which have excessive amounts can cause allergic reactions.

Eczema or atopic dermatitis, which is a swelling and drying of the skin, can be seen in allergies to citrus fruits, eggs, and tomatoes. Hives or urticaria is also a form of skin irritation which is represented by elevated skin welts that are reddish. Hives can be very itchy, this allergic reaction is common among tomatoes, eggs, shellfish, mangoes, pork meat, nuts, and strawberries.

Asthma is commonly seen in wheat and egg allergies.

There are also allergy manifestations that affect the physical energy, consciousness, and emotions of a person. These reactions can be regularly seen in allergies to wheat, soybeans, corn, and milk.

As you may have observed, many types of foods share the same symptoms most of the time. A careful assessment and physical evaluation is needed to at least determine the source of the allergy. It is not only in the symptoms that medical professionals can determine what the source of allergy is but also through blood tests, diet eliminations, and food challenges. Careful assessment of daily food intake by the patient can be of great help in pinpointing the culprit and as well as a comprehensive analysis of the symptoms observed.

Furthermore, a consultation with a reputable allergist who will be part of the medical team can assist you in fighting your allergy that may have caused you great discomfort in your daily life.

The Pros And Cons Of Beer

Although beer is a drink that contains alcohol, the alcohol alone doesnt make it dangerous to your health. Drinking beer excessively is what leads to hangovers, headaches, and the more severe healthy problems. If you drink beer in moderation and avoid getting drunk, you wont experience any problems with your health.

One of the most common things people say about beer, is that it makes you fat, hence the term beer belly. As a whole, beer contains little to no fat, and there are plenty of beer diets out there that you can use to stay thin. The infamous beer belly is caused by consuming too much alcohol, which affects the bodys ability to burn fat. Even though beer can indeed lead to a beer belly if you drink too much of it, if you drink in moderation you should be fine.

Even though beer is low in sugar, it can affect your blood sugar levels. Beer contains alcohol, which can drop the natural level of sugar in your blood, leading to low energy levels. If you drink too much beer, youll get really tired and go right to sleep. Alcohol in beer will also lower insulin levels as well, which makes it perfect for non diabetics, as it will reduce the risk of arteriosclerosis.

In the past, research has linked beer with reducing the risk for heart disease. Beer contains no cholesterol, although it does have antioxidant qualities that can reduce LDL oxidation, with may help reduce your risk of heart disease. Beer is also an excellent source of fiber, stemming from the malted barley. Beer can also help to reduce stress, if you drink it in moderation.

To get the health benefits that beer provides, you should drink one beer a day. You shouldnt drink any more than this, as it can easily lead to health problems. Alcohol will thin out your blood, which will protect your heart and reduce the risk of strokes as well. In the past, research has even shown moderate consumption of alcohol can help with improving your memory as well. Then again, if you drink it excessively, it can destroy brain cells – the adverse effect.

Beer is also nutritious, although it can destroy your levels of vitamin C as well. Beer is a great source of fiber, as well as other minerals, such as potassium, magnesium, and several B vitamins such as B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, and B12. Beer contains high levels of these vitamins, along with other minerals that are actually good for your body. Although it offers plenty of B vitamins and other minerals your body needs, it will also destroy your vitamin C – which is why you never want to drink too much of it.

When it all comes down to it, beer may contain over 95% water, yet it is still a diuretic. Due to the fact that beer contains alcohol, it will always be a diuretic. When you drink beer, you should avoid drinking too much and never, ever, drink beer instead of water. Beer can dehydrate your body fairly quickly, which is one of the biggest cons to drinking beer. Although beer does have several health benefits, they can easily be hindered by drinking too much. To stay on the safe side and avoid headaches and other health effects of beer, you should always drink responsibly, never drink too much – and always drink a few glasses of water when you are drinking beer.

Dealing With Hangovers

A hangover is something that just about all of us obtain experienced at some point in time. After spending a night out drinking, you may wake up in the morning with your head feeling heavy and your belly in knots. At that moment, you probably decided that you would quit drinking, to prevent this awful feeling from happening again. No matter how hard you may retain tried though, chances are that tangible happened again.

Even though we all know that alcohol can lead to hangovers, the cause of a hangover is something we dont know. Alcohol does have some positive effects on the body, although it duty further lead to negative effects such as hangovers. Some doctors will actually recommend it, while others will tell you never to drink substantive. Even though drinking is good, moderation is the key. The easiest plan to ignore hangovers is to drink in moderation – and never get drunk.

As many of us already know, whisky, bourbon, and wine can result in a much harder hangover than vodka or beer. For many humans, chemicals in wines or yeast found in unfiltered beers can result in headaches. Beer, wine, and liquor can be fun and relaxing to drink, although if you arent careful you can easily get a headache or a hangover.

Even though the produce for hangovers is unknown, it has been proven that the headaches associated with hangovers get taller from dehydration. With alcohol seeing a diuretic, undeniable will make you urinate quite often. Therefore, if you drink alcohol or beer on a daily basis, your body will remain dehydrated. When you wake up in the morning with a bad headache and turn to coffee, which is also a diuretic, the process of dehydration actually gets worse.

Youll also need to do something with the alcohol that has been left in your body. Even though a hangover can make you want to forge ahead in post, the secret to getting yourself guide on track is movement. To rid your body of the alcohol, youll need sweat. Sweating gets the toxins out of your body, and helps you observe better. You can bustle or have sex to get over a hangover, as the heat your body emits will be too much for alcohol toxins to handle.

Although a hangover can be a bit of a pain, it can be prevented. The first rule of drinking any style of alcoholic beverage is to never drink on an empty stomach. If you eat a good meal before you start drinking, youll find that the food contract help you digest the alcohol much better. When the alcohol starts to attack your stomach, you should consider eating foods that are high in fat, such as cheese. You can also sip some olive oil or drink some water. The secret to making sure that you dont get a hangover when drinking is to drink in moderation and never let yourself get too drunk.

Beer is digested very fast by your shape, which is why you should always drink beer first if you plan to mix drinks. Beer is digested the fastest, and will also help your body to swig any other drinks you have faster. You should always keep in mind that when you drink alcohol, your body will get dehydrated. Any type of alcohol that you consume is a diuretic, therefore you should always drink water with your alcohol. Alcohol can dehydrate your body very fast – which is why youll need water to clinch that you stay hydrated.

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Dangers of Artificial Sweeteners

Although sugar has been part of the dining table and kitchen for centuries, people know that too much of it also is not good for the body. This is especially true with people who are either diabetic or those who are trying to lose weight because of obesity problems.

But with the high levels of sugar content that are found in the foods that we eat right now, especially those that are processed and those that are bought from fast food joints, it seems that it is extremely hard, maybe even next to impossible, to be able to avoid consuming excessive amounts of sugar. Besides, it is not called sweet if it is not sweet tasting and ultra delicious.

Because of this need to lessen the amount of sugar content in the body but still retain the sweet tasting flavor that one has grown accustomed to having in their everyday meals, science and commerce developed substitutes to sugar that can answer both problems. Some of these alternatives to sugar come from natural sources while others are artificially made in laboratories.

Recent years have seen the mushrooming of these artificial alternatives to sugar. This is perhaps because of the fact that America has become really body conscious. This time, low calorie sugar substitutes were developed to answer the need of women (and men at that) who want to diet.

Perhaps the oldest artificial sweetener in the market is saccharin, which was discovered back in 1874. It has been granted a GRAS (Generally recognized as safe) stature in 1958 but was withdrawn in 1972 when studies have linked the sugar substitute to cancer. Still, FDA allowed the use of Saccharin as a table-top sweetener but is no allowed to be an ingredient in mass manufactured products.

Another allegedly dangerous artificial sweetener is the aspartame, which up until now is still with the jury. Although the sugar substitute is already being used by people, there are still murmurs that the sugar can cause headaches and epileptic attacks.

Although there is really no evidence that suggests that these artificial sweeteners are dangerous, there are still doubts on the safety of using it especially by people who are in delicate conditions. Many health organizations suggest the limited use of these products.

It is recommended that you only limit your use of sweetened foods in your diet to only 2 or 3 servings daily. This will translate to about half a cup of pudding, an ice cream or a gelatin product or one bowl of sweetened cereal.