Sustainable Agriculture And Organic Farming: What’s In It For Us?

Sustainable Agriculture And Organic Farming: What’s In It For Us?

Recently, organic farming has been a growing industry in the whole globe. And with the onset of sustainable agriculture along with its message of making agricultural lands much more productive and sustained, so is the issue of organic farming has been given much obeisance. Basically, organic farming can be considered a spread of sustainable agriculture wherein the farmer uses organic materials and biologically natural methods in farming. Although it may come as a traditional method for some, it has been proven to be effective and also much more valuable than artificially enhanced crops and products. Furthermore, with the growing compulsion for sustainable agriculture, more and aggrandized people see the value of organic farming in their lives.

Organic Farming vs. Conventional Methods

The practice of organic farming is definitely much better and more softhearted for the environment. Mainly for organic farming does not call any pesticides, insecticides and even synthetic fertilizers, you are sure that the products coming produced by it are 100 percent natural, organic and safe. It may come seeing a surprise for most people but actually the conventional way of farming does make use of these pesticides and affected materials to kill any negative substances that may hinder the full growth of their crops. This in turn can make the soil become less productive over the years since it has always been contaminated with chemicals.

However, with organic farming, farmers make sure that their land receives the adequate nutritional supplement and further the natural way of tending to it. Clearly, it is true that organic farming is much safer for the environment and of course, to nation, since the materials and ingredients being used are purely natural and organic.

Organic Foods And Conventional Products: On Safety

The issue thus may rise with the competition between organic food and common products. It is true that organic food may cost a bit more than conventional products however there is no evidence to suggest that organic entree does taste better than conventional ones. It has only been proven that organic diet is conspicuously safer to the body, and not necessarily fitter tasting than the rest of the products.

Moreover, its safeness for the body is also complemented with its nutritional value. Being organic entree is made from all natural methods and farming, it is thus apparent that it is much more nutritious. The products are proven much fresher and known to retain undergone only minor processes; thus, you can be assured that naturally, organic food is safe and nutritious to eat.

Sustainability of Organic Farming

However the question halcyon remains of how sustainable the method of organic farming will be. Since organic farming requires more effort and a lot more time to be able to return raw materials, it is then true that it yields lesser products than conventional methods.

On the altered hand, since the conventional methods knock off use of pesticides and other chemicals which hasten the process of growth in the plants; naturally, it would result to a much higher yield in the future. However, with the natural agent of organic farming, it only entails the farmer to go on the natural process of farming which is probably the reason why organic foods are a lot more expensive than typical crops and products.

In the end, the appropriate challenge remains whether the practice of organic farming and sustainable agriculture can be depended on especially in the issue of food shortage all over the globe. Perhaps, further research must still be implemented to finally conclude if organic farming can be a viable root of food in the future.

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Organic Gardening Supplies That You Can Use

One of the most important aspects of a successful organic garden is to know the list of organic gardening supplies that you will need. This is very important because these tools can help and assist you in growing healthy crops in no time.

Finding the right organic gardening supplies

Aside from regular care and proper monitoring, having the right organic gardening supplies would definitely ensure that you would have a successful and healthy garden. Experts say that knowing what you need and have them readily available would lessen the time that you would have to spend in taking care of your crops. This will also ensure that you will have fun in watching every development in your garden.

The following are the most important organic gardening supplies that you need for your organic garden:

1. Water. This is very important because this will serve as the secondary lifeline of your plants. Having enough supply of water nearby is very crucial because you will never know when the plant would need some of it. Although there is scheduled time to water the plants, it is always best to have ample supply of water just in case you or somebody forgets to water the plants on time.

2. Soil. This is considered as a lifeline of any plant in any organic garden because this is where all the nutrients are derived. Although you dont need so much of it if you only a few number of pots and trays, it is best to have an extra supply of soilclay soil is the best for its capability to hold water betterjust in case accidental dropping of containers happens. Having extra supply of soil can also make it possible for you to make another organic garden.

3. Organic matter. This is also crucial because it will provide nutrients for your plants. Although you need not worry about having enough supply of this because these are always readily available in your backyard through grass clips and dried leaves and in your kitchen through decaying vegetables and peel fruits. You can also use the dog or cat manure, if you have a pet, in the compost pit as well as head of fish that has not been consumed.

4. Light. This is very important especially for indoor gardening because it will provide the light needed by the plant. Light is very important from the germination of the seeds to the growing of the sprouts. It is also very important for leaves because it paves the way for a very important process called “photosynthesis.” If possible, make a garden site where there can be direct exposure to sunlight. If this is not possible, try to create alternative light from a fluorescent bulb or tube that is placed directly on the container.

5. Tools. These are also very important organic gardening supplies for a successful gardening because it will make the work easier for you. Important tools might include cutting tools, weeding tools, watering tools, clawing tools, and sweeping tools. These will help you in cleaning and maintaining the plants especially if they are growing fast.

These tools can also help you organize the plants so they won’t get tangled, as they grow taller. In buying tools, make sure that you only buy those that you really need. Use the size of your garden as a guide. If you have small garden, there is no need for you to buy large tools for gardening.

Planning Before Planting Vegetable Gardens

In periods of financial difficulty, planting vegetable gardens becomes a viable option that achieves two things: it helps the family reduce expenses related to buying food, and it offers the opportunity to sell excess yield to friends and neighbours. Starting a vegetable garden is not particularly difficult, for so long as you put enough thought, time, and effort.

The first decision you have to make is the location of the vegetable garden. You must place this vegetable garden in an area where it is exposed to at least 6 hours of sunlight. The location must also be near where you will source the water you will use to water the plants. It must be near enough for you to make a short trip if you are carrying a pail of water, or it must be near enough to be easily accessible to the hose you will connect to a faucet inside your home. Also, check if the area has soil conducive for growing plants. It must have good drainage, and must be free of silt, stones, and other hard objects. Lastly, the location of your vegetable garden must be somewhere accessible, so that you can frequently check for pests and weeds when you walk by.

Included in your plans should be the sort of plants that you intend to plant, and how many of them you intend to grow. This will help determine the size of the plot you will need. Afterwards, make a list of all the plants you want to grow in your garden. This decision cannot be completely random, especially because the yield of the garden will be what you will consume as a family. Make sure to plant vegetables that your family would love to eat, or vegetables that you often use for cooking. This way, you are ensured of a direct benefit from growing your own vegetable garden.

Make a plan for the arrangement of the vegetable plants in the garden as well. The first consideration is the frequency of yield. Perennial plants, or those who yield vegetables for constantly throughout the year must be placed at the back of the garden, where it will be undisturbed by whatever gardening activities you may have in the rest of the garden. Put the crops that produce early yield together. These crops include radishes, spinach, carrots, beets, and the like. Make some space for replanting successively. Once these crops have seen their yield, you can plant in their place crops that produce yield later in the season.

The last consideration for arrangement is the reality that there are plants that cannot grow beside other plants. For instance, there are those plants that enhance the growth of another when planted together; there are those that inhibit the other. It is important to take into consideration which crops inhibit the growth of the other. For instance, potatoes are capable of inhibiting the growth of both squash and tomato plants. Broccoli also inhibits tomato growth. Beans, on the other hand, inhibit the growth of onions. Carrots also inhibit the growth of dill plants. This does not stop you from planting all these plants in the garden. This only acts as a reminder of which plants you should separate from the other when planting vegetable gardens.

Long-Term Plans for Planting Vegetable Gardens

Long-term Plans for Planting Vegetable Gardens

A lot of people are beginning to see the benefits of planting vegetable gardens. Its usually healthier because you get to decide whether or not to use commercial pesticide on them. Since vegetable gardens are typically manageable in size because theyre not grown for profit, its easier for people to manage the plot without having to resort to using commercial pesticides. Vegetable gardens also assure you of fresh produce because theres no need to pick the vegetables and refrigerate it. Vegetables stay fresh as long as you dont pick it from your garden, except if it becomes overripe. Aside from health reasons, planting vegetable gardens is also economical because the produce is not going to be as expensive as those that you buy from markets or groceries.

People who have been successful in planting vegetable gardens usually know that you cant keep growing only one type of vegetable in a garden. Its usually more advisable to rotate crops instead of planting only one kind of vegetable year in and out. Rotating crops will make sure that the micro nutrients in the soil will be preserved, and that diseases will not build up in soil particulates.

Planting vegetable gardens take some careful planning on your part, and also an understanding on plant families to know which vegetable types are compatible with each other. These are some examples of groups that can be considered compatible and are safe to be rotated together:

Alliums – onions, leeks, shallots, and the likes Crucifers – such as radishes, turnips, broccoli, cauliflower, and the likes Brassicas – brussel sprouts, mustards, cabbages, kale and the likes Legumes – peas and beans Cucurbits – cucumbers, squashes, melons, etcetera Solanaceae – peppers, eggplants, tomatoes, and the likes Mescluns – arugula, endive, radiccio, etcetera

Rotating vegetables of the same family would also mean that (more often than not) they would be susceptible to the same kind of pests. This makes pest control a bit more manageable for you since you dont have to adjust to different types of pests for different families of vegetables.

Vegetables such as asparagus, rhubarbs, and other perennial vegetables must not be rotated. They should be planted separately because of this. The more hardy and semi-annual vegetables can be rotated yearly so that no family of vegetables is planted in the same bed for four years. If you have done some planning before planting vegetable gardens, a small plot would like similar to this: four beds for plants that can be rotated, and one bed for perennial, non-rotating plants.

It would also be ideal for people who planning on planting vegetable gardens to spread out the kinds of vegetables they plant so that they dont harvest too much of the same vegetable in one season. You wouldnt want to be stuck with too many cucumbers in one season, would you? Throughout the growing season, try and plant varying types of short-season vegetables so that youll be assured of many different types of vegetables throughout the season.

If you really plan to get the most out of planting vegetable gardens, its best if you do your research first. Check which plants go together, check whether you have enough space to rotate your plants, check which plants you can actually rotate to prevent poisoning and depleting the nutrients of the soil, and spread out the type of vegetables you plant so you wont have too much of the same thing for the whole planting season.

Building And Planting Vegetable Gardens

The structure of your vegetable garden does not have to be entirely functional but it should also look and feel good. Building some decorative arches and some tomato cages not only makes your garden look good but also helps it produce more crops. After all, there is more to planting vegetable gardens than just cultivating a spot of land.

Function Over Form

The most well known form garden structures are those that are built to sustain plants and give them the room to climb, hold up the weight of its fruits and other plants as well.

Building cages and poles lets you have a vertical garden which boosts your produce per square foot since youll have more space to plant in the ground.

Vegetables like cucumbers, peas, peppers and eggplants need lots of garden support. Carrying these vegetables above ground not only will produce better crop it also protects it from insects found in the soil. Plus, the fruits will be less likely to rot if planted this way. Building other support structures like stakes and cages will help in making your plants grow stronger and taller.

Choose Your Structure

If you plan to shop for things for your garden online or in a garden store, youll notice how many choices there are when it comes to garden structures. A great online garden resource is a company called Garden Supply Company. Not only do they have a mail-order catalogue, they make trellises for plants like cucumbers that serve as a shade to neighboring plants, tomato cages, spiral supports, bean towers, maypoles and others.

Garden structures may vary especially in terms of form and function because they not only are very supportive of plants it also makes your garden look good. The best kind of garden is not only beautiful, but also enhances the health of the vegetables planted there.

Form over Function

There are so many options when it comes to building your vegetable garden especially if youre purpose is purely aesthetic. You can build ornaments like arches, trellises or archways to beautify your garden. You can even build walls or doorways to surround your garden for a more visual appeal.

For gardens like these, you can decorate them with plants aside from vegetables. You can plant beautiful flowers to cover your trellis but choose flowers that are sun friendly and attract helpful insects.

An example is trumpet flowers, which are not only beautiful but they attract bees for your vegetable garden. Since you also want to attract helpful creatures, you can build a bird bath or a bird house in your garden. If youre particularly into organic gardening, the birds can certainly help eliminate pests

As long as you keep your garden attractive to birds and other helpful insects, they will spend a lot of time in your garden and repay you by eating away harmful pests.

Supporting Your Plants

Building plant supports are essential garden structures which is why its necessary to use them in the proper way to maximize results. This does not mean building stakes or cages in the ground and leave the plant to grow on its own.

There are other materials like plant ties, jute cords or twines which you can use to tie up your plant to the cages or poles but dont tie them too tight.

Another great support when it comes to planting vegetables gardens are stakes. Make sure to drive them properly into the ground and space them a little further from your main plant to avoid hitting its roots.