How Attainable Is The Goal Of Sustainable Agriculture?

Simply put, sustainable agriculture is the ability to produce enough resources and food to be supplied to the present generation. Recently, known has been the issue of food shortness becoming an out botheration in the global community which may be attributed to two things: the rising population of nations and the decreasing value of food products in the market.

Owing to the population rises every day in an exponential way, it of course, becomes a lot more difficult to maintain people’s daily needs. And worse, it even becomes more difficult to sustain these needs on a long term period. And since the value of food that is being marketed in the globe is increasingly losing its value, it then becomes an issue of sustainability. Can we really expect that the capability of agriculture to support life on earth is within our reach?

Unsafe Human Practices Catapulting To Land Destruction

However, the degrading value of comestible is not truly the real core of the problem. The count with this issue is the destruction of our arable land caused and brought about by several human practices such as unsafe and excessive tillage of crops, the use of harmful chemicals and fertilizers, and even the onset of industrialization and commercialization in a certain agricultural community. And because of these different practices and human interventions, the once acknowledged land of agriculture is now left with fleeting or no nutrients and zero means to bear crops and plants. Distinctly, we could say that these interventions greatly contribute to the overall destruction of the agricultural land. With this continuing, expect less and less products being produced by agricultural countries, at that.

Resolving The Issue Of Food Shortage

The goal of sustainable agriculture is to get to the oblivion of the issue of food shortage by merely targeting the different aspects that afford to sustainable farming. And with its underlying goals of preventing the numerous destructible practices in agricultural lands, producing larger valuable crops and products, and even educating farmers into applicable more competitive in their own fields, are what give us anticipation that maybe, sustainable farming can really be achieved.

These goals make sustainable agriculture a need for most countries especially the developing countries that are encountering such problems. That is why we must realize how important it is that through the collective effort of the entire members of the society; these problems can be successfully resolved and eliminated from our list of socio – economic key issues.

Protecting Agricultural Lands: Achievable With Solidarity

And last of all, with the dispassionate of preventing the various human interventions mentioned, government agencies and non – government organizations should work hand in hand; making sure that the agricultural land is protected and kept safe from any exterritorial practices. Also, with different laws being made for the welfare of the land, people must inasmuch as realize the amount of keeping arable land at its quality state.

These, together with the goal of producing more valuable crops and products, researchers and scientists on one comfort, should work together due to well with the goal of building weird technologies that onus help in sustaining quality products in soundness. Because it is only through these researches, programs and innovative methods that different lands can be set out; and in effect, may help such throne in becoming more innovational and less destructive to people.

The True Essence Of Sustainable Agriculture

Adding these altogether, the aim of making farmers more competent in the field of agriculture is a truly essential goal of sustainable agriculture. With competent and knowledgeable farmers, they will truly know how to tend for the lands; not to mention, devising appropriate strategies that will guarantee efficiently producing a variety of crops and products.

Absolutely, sustainable agriculture is an ideal concept which hopes for the further growth and development of each nation that relies on it. It is signal that these goals are successfully met, or else it may just become a suite more difficult to finish these agricultural problems of our global nation.

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Market Organic Gardening: Going Commercial

Market organic gardening is producing vegetables, fruits, flowers and other ornamental plants the organic way for commercial gain. It means taking care of a slightly bigger garden since you will now be targeting local markets unlike the ones you had before which caters to only the needs of your family. With a commercial goal in mind, you will have to consider the viability of your produce in your local market.

Its a good thing that nowadays, organically grown produce are preferred and are actually sought after by the ordinary shoppers. This is among the reasons why advertisers are always focusing on the organic nature of their products. They often advertise that their products are 100% organic. Some, however, are only saying these things to sell their products.

Organic gardening means absolutely not using any kind of chemical pesticides, fertilizers, plant antibiotics, or even artificial growth promoters from the time the plants were being cultivated up to the time they are being harvested. Theres no compromises in organic gardening, its either you use chemical stuff or you dont.

With this in mind, shoppers are focusing their organic needs towards community based organic garden growers. They usually will go to small scale producers instead of going to supermarkets where they rely only on what the packaging tells them. In community based organic growers, you can actually see the freshness of the produce, the garden themselves, and how the growers care for their gardens.

As a garden grower, your aim is to make some profit from your organic garden. Although, your initial focus is your immediate community, it is not bad to set a goal that you eventually ship your products to a wider market. But were getting a little bit ahead of ourselves.

In order to get a substantial profit to elicit motivation, you need to develop a focused marketing strategy. This means, having a marketing strategy in place even before you plant your crops. You already have a target market in mind and you already have a plan to reach that target. In this way, you can eliminate wastage of produce by not planting unnecessarily crops or plants that will not sell well in the market.

There are a number of ways to dispose of your produce. You can setup a small stall on your own yard every weekend, for example. Your neighbor can easily pass the word that there are fresh organic vegetables or fruits two or three blocks away.

You can also use the so called tail-gate marketing approach where you park your van along the roadside and sell your produce directly to passersby. This is a fast and cheap way to sell your produce but it is not the most effective. Youre putting too much hope that people will stop and buy your produce.

But if you really want to market your organic produce, you can go to a farmers market and supply your produce there. The good thing about a farmers market is that they are a little lenient when it comes to consistency of quality. They pay you what your produce is worth.

Another advantage of a farmers market is establishing a network of contacts of both customers and dealers or suppliers. It will serve as your gateway to commercial viability.

Market organic gardening focuses on the commercial aspects of gardening. It has added responsibilities since you now have to answer to your customers but it should always carry one thing, the love you have for gardening.

The History of Organic Gardening

You could say that the history of organic gardening started centuries ago when ancient civilizations would till the soil, plant the crops and then harvest them. As the demand for such goods increased, fertilizers or pesticides were used to help grow crops but because It was only later on that people realized these were also being eaten after they were washed thus there was a campaign to go back to organic gardening.

There was renewed interest in the 1980s that people in the US began to switch back to organic gardening. The Department of Agriculture even gave the farmers incentives to this old approach and as the demand for such products grew, more and more people have shifted to this method. This has been the trend in many countries especially in Europe.

But what is organic gardening? Well, aside from no longer using fertilizers and pesticides, gardeners will have to rely on compost, crop residue, crop rotation, integrated pest management and mechanical cultivation in order to preserve soil productivity and combat pests.

Currently, such organic gardening methods are regulated by the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements which helps farmers grow crops in 75 million acres of land across the globe.

Their goal can be summed up into two words and that is sustainable development so that the land that is used will be around for the next generation because there is a healthy ecosystem.

Is organic gardening effective? The answer is yes. Over a 22 year study that was released to the public in 2005, the results showed that going back to the basics produces the same amount of corn and soybean yields as conventional methods. However, it does so by consuming less energy and without any pesticide residue.

A study done by the University of Michigan shows developing countries that practice organic gardening could double or even triple their crops mainly because they do not have the financial resources to buy pesticides or fertilizer.

The nice thing about organic gardening is that farmers are not the only ones that can do it because you too can make this happen in your own backyard. You just have to learn how to till the soil and keep it in good condition, how to make your crops grow and how to fight against pests so you will be able to harvest them.

You can even turn this into a hobby and see how fun it is to make grow your own vegetables instead of buying these from the grocery. So, go online or buy a few books to learn how easy it is to do.

Remember, the key to a successful harvest regardless of what you decide to plant is all in the planning. Take into account how much you are willing to spend, your limited space and how much time and effort is in your hands.

You will also need to get the right gardening tools like gloves and a tiller to break the soil because it makes the task much easier than doing this by hand so that in a few months, you will be able to see what you planted grow.

As you can see, the history of organic gardening isnt really something new. We have been doing it for a very long time and we probably lost sight of it but we learned our mistakes and we are simply going back to the basics.

Organic Gardening At Home

Organic gardening at home is not that different from what they do in the farm. This is because the same techniques are used to make your choice of plants and vegetables grow even if you have a smaller area to work with.

The first thing you have to do is choose the location. It is important that it gets at least 6 hours of sunlight everyday and it has access to water. You should also check if the spot has good drainage otherwise you will have to build a raised bed garden instead.

When the location has been found, it is time to prepare the land. This is the time you bring out your gardening tools and gloves so can get rid of weeds that are present. All debris must also be removed so do this for a few days to make sure the area is secure.

The moment of truth will come when you test the soil. For that, you will need some compost from the store and then mix it with the soil. If it is able to integrate and stabilize itself, then you can begin planting your crops in the next 2 to 4 weeks. During such time, you can already add fertilizers into the soil to make sure that the nutrients hold.

The fun part is when you put in the seeds. Dont forget to start your own compost pile at the same time by using coffee grounds, dead leaves, grass clippings, manure and vegetable or food waste that become organic fertilizer for your crops. By doing so, you will no longer need to buy these from the gardening store.

If you dont already know, not all fruits or vegetables planted in one area are the same for another. This is because some may not survive due to the conditions of the region such as the weather, pests and other plant borne diseases. You can check at the store, do some research or get advice from fellow organic gardeners.

It will also be a good idea to plant a variety of fruits and vegetables. Some protect the rest from pests while others can only be grown during a certain season. In short, you get to practice crop rotation so you do not use up all the nutrients in the soil. Aside from plants, the use of birds, insects and toads can also help protect your garden.

Although you already removed the weeds before you planted, you still have to check for them again because they do some back. You will have to inspect the area and then pull them out which is one of the responsibilities of owning a garden.

Since larger animals not only insects could do damage to your organic garden, you should also protect it by putting up some fences. Some gardeners have also used animal hair, baby powder and deodorant soaps that act as deterrents.

Surely, you have noticed that organic vegetables being sold at the grocery are quite expensive. They cost a few dollars more than the regular kind so instead of putting this on your list, why not cross it out and simply get this from your backyard.

With some practice, you will realize that organic gardening at home can be challenging and at the same time fun. It is your way of going green and being environment friendly.

What Do We Get Out Of Organic Farming and Gardening

What Do We Get Out Of Organic Farming and Gardening

Organic farming and gardening usually refers to techniques that do not use any fertilizers or chemical pesticides. This is because although they will help the plant grow, they are harmful to our health.

To give you an idea on how effective it is one study showed that organic milk from cows has more anti-oxidants, CLA, Omega 3 and vitamins compared to the cows that could produce the same amount of milk using hormones, antibiotics and the remains of other animals.

Another shows that organically grown fruits and vegetables have 50% more nutrients and vitamins that will drastically decrease your chances of suffering from a number of health problems like heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and certain cancers.

If this was the case, why didnt we did we have to use it in the first place? Believe it or not, those who decided to use such things had the best of intentions but realized later on that this was a mistake.

Yes, more vegetables, fruits and meat products are needed to answer the demand of the market but it does not have to be at the expense of the lives that grow and eat it. Here are some reasons for it.

First, eating products made organically have shown that it people will be able to live healthier lives. Why? This is because items bought from the store, which are washed and heated does not always eliminate the fertilizers or chemicals that were used in making it grow.

Second, organically grown food tastes much better than inorganic ones. The reason is because antibiotics and pesticides take away essential vitamins and nutrients which your body desperately needs.

Third, you have to remember that fertilizers and pesticides also harm the environment. It makes the soil less fertile and also damages the environment.

Lastly, this will give animals the right to live even for a short while instead of being caged then slaughtered.

When you look for organic farming or gardening products at the grocery, you will notice that they are placed in a separate area and they are a bit more expensive. Maybe it is because the demand for such goods has not increased yet but if you are concerned about your health and those you care about, it is never too late to go organic.

The government for its part is doing its share by offering incentives and subsidies to farmers to engage in organic farming and gardening. How? By encouraging those who work the land for a living to cease genetic engineering, irradiation and sewage sludge and instead replace this with crop rotation. Since the shift is quite expensive for farmers to do themselves, the Department of Agriculture is the sole body tasked to shoulder some of the cost.

In fact, since organic farming and gardening is so simple, you can even do this in your own backyard. You just have to prepare the soil, buy the seeds and then following the proper guidelines so they can grow.

Although they are organic, dont forget to wash them thoroughly before you get home. This is because some farmers use compost and manure and you wouldnt want to serve that to whoever eats at the table.

Organic farming and gardening is the in thing today. It keeps us healthy and at the same time is environment friendly.