Planning a Kids Only Thanksgiving Party

Have you decided that you would like to host a Thanksgiving party this year? If so, what type of Thanksgiving party do you plan on having? If you are a parent, there is a good chance that your Thanksgiving party may be designed for children and children alone. These types of Thanksgiving parties are often referred to as kids only Thanksgiving parties.

Although you might assume that it is relatively easy to host a kids only Thanksgiving party, you may soon realize that it isnt as easy as you may think. The reason for that, most of the time, is that kids are often more difficult to please, when compared to adults. For that reason, there is a fairly large amount of planning and preparation that may need to go into your next Thanksgiving party.

Perhaps, the first thing that you should do, when planning a kids only Thanksgiving party, is invite the guests. Depending on the age of your own child or children, this may be a little bit difficult. Some young children and teenagers may be able to invite their own party guests, but others may be unable to. Whether your child is a toddler or a little bit older, if may be a good idea if you create a Thanksgiving party guest list all on your own. When doing so, it is advised that you invite children that are around the same age as your own. It may be a good idea to invite other children that are in your childs class, attend the same daycare, live in the same neighborhood, or are related to your child.

Once you have taken care of the party invites, you may want to change your focus a little bit. You will want to start focusing on the actual party. One of the many things that you may want to plan out is the food, snacks, and drinks that you will have available. In most cases, you will find that you do not need to go all out and cook a Thanksgiving dinner for a kids only party; snacks would be more than enough. However, as a parent, you likely already know that kids can be picky when it comes to their food. That is why you are advised to have a wide array of snacks and drinks on hand. You will not only want to make sure that, at least, some of your foods are healthy, but also that they are kid friendly.

Whether it is a Thanksgiving party, a Christmas party, or a birthday party, kids parties are nothing without games. That is why you will want to pick out party games for everyone to play. Since you will be hosting a Thanksgiving party for kids, you may want to choose holiday games to play; however, it is not necessary. You can easily find a number of holiday party game ideas online, with a standard internet search. In addition to the internet, you should also be able to purchase a number of fun, kid friendly party games online or from your local department store. While it is fun to have your party games all planned out and ready to go, be sure to leave room for suggestions. Depending on the age of your party guests, there is a good chance that they may want to play other games or offer their own suggestions.

When planning a kids only Thanksgiving party, it is important to remember one thing; kids may not be your only guests. As a parent, you likely know how some parents, maybe even you, just dont want to part with their children, even for a few hours. That is why there is a good chance that some of your party guests parents may wish to stay. If this is the case, you should let them. In addition to receiving assistance with your kids only Thanksgiving party, there is a good chance that you may enjoy the extra company. If other parents will be staying with their kids, it is advised that you also have a few adult snacks on hand.


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How to start making your own party favors

Although party favors is not exactly the life of the party, not as important as perhaps the food or the cake, it is still something that can make your party extra special and more memorable for your guests whether it is a childrens party or a wedding reception. But with how the costs of food and other commodities are rising, some people are foregoing with the party favors to cut costs. This is for them vastly better than not organizing any party at all.

But there are ways to cut costs and still be able to provide your guests with party favors. One of them is to do the party favors yourself. By putting in some of your free time, you can save to as much as 70 percent of the cost, at the minimum, 50 percent. This is not bad considering how much figurines and childrens toys are these days. Figurines are often used as party favors for adult parties while toys are used for kids parties.
If you are not a crafty person however, doing your own party favor gift can seem daunting. Well, it does not have to be. Even with no experience, you can make your own. Just follow these steps:

1. Choose a project

Depending on your budget, you must first choose a project that you feel you can do, whether it is decoupage, posters, music and video on cds or maybe even some knitting or woodwork. It is important that you first choose the project that you will do as it will be the basis ior your design and concept. In choosing a project, make sure that you also take into account the time frame on which you will do the project. If your sons birthday bash is already the day after tomorrow, knitting and woodwork are already out. They are more complicated to do and will take a lot of time in accomplishing.

2. Gather the materials

Once you have chosen the project, you can then scout for materials that will help you complete it. There are craft stores all around the country that you can go to. Often, their stores will have everything you ever need from wrappers to glue guns. You can also look inside your house and check out stuff that you can recycle and use as a party favor material.
If you have time, it is best to wait for sales and discounts because they will probably be selling stuff that you need at half the price. That way, you can further save up. This is the reason why it is good to plan ahead for a party.

3. Package it.

When you really come to think a about it, people often do not remember what the gift is unless it is truly remarkable. What people do remember though is the packaging for these gifts. This is why it is also important to wrap your party favors with a nice material so that it will not look cheap even if it is not purchased but only made.