Entertainment Ideas for Your Next Thanksgiving Party

Have you recently made the decision to host a Thanksgiving party in your home? If so, there is a good chance that you may have already started the planning process. If so, have you decided on a form on party entertainment yet? Even if you have started planning your Thanksgiving party, there is a good chance that you have yet to get to the entertainment. This is because entertainment is often one of the last things that a party host plans. Well, if it is time for you to start thinking about your Thanksgiving party entertainment, you will find that you, literally, have an unlimited number of options.

When it comes to deciding on party entertainment, for your Thanksgiving party, it is important to keep the type of party that you are hosting in mind. For instance, are you having a formal Thanksgiving party or a causal Thanksgiving party? Also, what does your guest list look like? Are you having a Thanksgiving party for kids, one for adults, or a party where everyone is invited? The type party that you will be having is extremely important, when it comes to choosing entertainment for the event.

Regardless of what type of Thanksgiving party you are having, you may enjoy having music played. The type of Thanksgiving party you have; however, will have an impact on the type of music that you choose. If you are having a formal Thanksgiving party, classical music may do. For a causal Thanksgiving party, music that your guests can get up and dancing to may be the perfect form of entertainment. Although it is your choice if you would like to have music at your Thanksgiving party, as well as what type of music, it may be a good idea to tailor your selection to your Thanksgiving party.

Party games are another popular form of entertainment that may be ideal for your Thanksgiving party. If you are hosting a kid only Thanksgiving party, it is almost guaranteed that games will be a hit. For adult parties, adult themed games are also popular. However, as you may likely already know, party games, particularly those that are causal in nature, may not fit in with a formal Thanksgiving party. That does not mean that you cannot incorporate party games into a formal Thanksgiving party, it just means that you want to find games that will fit in with your party theme. You can easily find a wide array of Thanksgiving party game ideas online, often with a standard internet search.

While you might not necessarily consider eating a form of entertainment, it could easily be considered one. If you are planning a casual Thanksgiving party, it may be ideal to have a wide array of snacks on hand, particularly if children will be present at your party. For a formal Thanksgiving party, a full fledge Thanksgiving dinner may be the perfect choice. It is also advised that you try and tailor your selection of food and snacks to your party style. For instance, if you are hosting a formal Thanksgiving party, it may be a good idea to have elegant dishes prepared for the dinner and for the snacks.

As you can easily see, there are a number of different forms of entertainment that you can offer at your next Thanksgiving party. Regardless of which type of party you plan on hosting, you can easily take steps to ensure that your party guests have a fun, exciting, and memorable time.


Word Count 582

Why You Should Plan a Kids Only Thanksgiving Party

Are you a parent? If so, there is a good chance that you already know just how much children like the holidays, as well as parties. For that reason, you may want to think about planning a kids only Thanksgiving party. Being a parent, you will find that there are a number of benefits to doing so.

As previously mentioned, most children love the holidays and parties. That is, perhaps, one the greatest reasons why you should want to host a kids only Thanksgiving party. There is a good chance, that whether you are the parent of a toddler or a teenager, your child would enjoy the chance to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday in a fun and exciting way. Throw in a couple of friends or other young relatives, and you and your children are sure to have a good time.

Another reason why you should plan a kids only Thanksgiving party is because they are tailored specifically to kids. Alto often children are left to find their own activities or entertain themselves at adult parties. While this can still be somewhat fun for a child, it is better to center a party specifically around them and other children their age. Not only will they likely enjoy the fact that they get to celebrate the holiday, but they will also enjoy the fact that they get to do it in their own unique way; a party just for them!

As nice as kids only parties are, including kids only Thanksgiving parties, you will sometimes find that they are somewhat difficult to plan. As a parent, you likely already know that it is easier to please a roomful of adults than it is a roomful of kids. However, you may be pleased to know that there are a number of different ways that you can make your kids only Thanksgiving party a success. One of those ways is by incorporating games into the party. You can easily find information on a number of fun, kid appropriate Thanksgiving games online. It may also be a good idea to let your child or their friends choose the games that they want to play.

Although kids only Thanksgiving parties specifically target children, you may find other party guests present at your Thanksgiving party. These additional guests are likely to be the parents of your childs friends or relatives. Although many parents would be more than happy to drop their children off at your home for a few hours, some parents would prefer to stay. Despite what you may believe, this will not necessarily ruin your kids only Thanksgiving party, especially if your party guests are young in age. Many children enjoy having their parents around and you may also enjoy the extra assistance and added company.

Depending on the age of your child, you may wish to allow them to make their own guest list. Teenagers should me more than able to create their own Thanksgiving party guest list, with your final approval of course. However, for younger children, it may be a good idea if you complete the guest list yourself. The best types of kids only Thanksgiving parties are the ones that have children that are all about the same age. Having children around the same age often results in similar likes and dislikes. This may make it possible for you to plan a fun and exciting, but relatively easy Thanksgiving party.


Word Count 570

What to Consider Before Deciding to Host a Thanksgiving Party

What to Consider Before Deciding to Host a Thanksgiving Party

Are you interested in hosting a Thanksgiving party this year? If so, you likely already know that you have a large amount of work in front of you. If you have yet to officially announce that you are planning on hosting a Thanksgiving party, it may be a good idea to step back and give your decision some serious thought. As previously mentioned, Thanksgiving parties arent always easy to plan. The difficult planning is one of the many things that may make you want to change your mind about hosting a Thanksgiving party.

One of the most important things that you need to remember, when deciding whether or not you should host a Thanksgiving party, is the time. The holiday season is a busy time. Most families already have plans, when it comes to Thanksgiving. You should keep this in mind. If you are still interested in hosting a Thanksgiving party, it may be a good idea to invite your guests early or have your party the day before or the day after. Doing so may help to ensure that your guests will be able to attend your event.

You will also want to think about food. A large number of individuals incorporate a Thanksgiving dinner into their Thanksgiving party, but not everyone does. You will need to decide whether you would like to do so or not. If you only plan on serving snacks at your party, you will want to keep the time of your party in mind. If you host a party around lunch or dinnertime, your guests might assume that you will be feeding them a whole meal. It might be a good idea to incorporate a Thanksgiving dinner into your party, but you will likely find that it is a lot of extra work.

It is also important that you determine whether or not you will want to have an all adult party or a party for both kids and adults. This, alone, may change your mind about hosting a Thanksgiving party. Adult parties are ideal because they give adults a chance to sit back, relax, and enjoy themselves. The only problem with an adult only Thanksgiving party is that there is a good chance that some of your party guests may have kids. If you are against having children present at your party, it may be a good idea to decide this ahead of time. You will not want to have some guests bring their children, while others do not. If you cannot make a decision or say no to some of your guests, it may be a good idea to hold off on the Thanksgiving party.

Perhaps, the most important thing that you need to consider, before making a decision as to whether or not you want to host a Thanksgiving party, is the cost of it. Unfortunately, it can be expensive to plan a party, even a Thanksgiving party. If you are leaning towards throwing a party, it may be a good idea to make a list of the guests, the decorations, and the food or drinks that you will need. This may help you determine the cost of throwing a Thanksgiving party. If you find it difficult to afford a party, it may be a good idea to cut back on your guests, as well as the food that you plan on serving, or else you might not even want to host a party after all.

Although it may seem as if there are a number of disadvantages to throwing a Thanksgiving party, there really arent that many. In fact, there are also a number of advantages to hosting a Thanksgiving party. One of those advantages is that you get to spend the holidays with those that you know and love. Honestly, you will have to make your own decision, but it may be a good idea to keep the above mentioned points in mind.


Word Count 654

How to start making your own party favors

Although party favors is not exactly the life of the party, not as important as perhaps the food or the cake, it is still something that can make your party extra special and more memorable for your guests whether it is a childrens party or a wedding reception. But with how the costs of food and other commodities are rising, some people are foregoing with the party favors to cut costs. This is for them vastly better than not organizing any party at all.

But there are ways to cut costs and still be able to provide your guests with party favors. One of them is to do the party favors yourself. By putting in some of your free time, you can save to as much as 70 percent of the cost, at the minimum, 50 percent. This is not bad considering how much figurines and childrens toys are these days. Figurines are often used as party favors for adult parties while toys are used for kids parties.
If you are not a crafty person however, doing your own party favor gift can seem daunting. Well, it does not have to be. Even with no experience, you can make your own. Just follow these steps:

1. Choose a project

Depending on your budget, you must first choose a project that you feel you can do, whether it is decoupage, posters, music and video on cds or maybe even some knitting or woodwork. It is important that you first choose the project that you will do as it will be the basis ior your design and concept. In choosing a project, make sure that you also take into account the time frame on which you will do the project. If your sons birthday bash is already the day after tomorrow, knitting and woodwork are already out. They are more complicated to do and will take a lot of time in accomplishing.

2. Gather the materials

Once you have chosen the project, you can then scout for materials that will help you complete it. There are craft stores all around the country that you can go to. Often, their stores will have everything you ever need from wrappers to glue guns. You can also look inside your house and check out stuff that you can recycle and use as a party favor material.
If you have time, it is best to wait for sales and discounts because they will probably be selling stuff that you need at half the price. That way, you can further save up. This is the reason why it is good to plan ahead for a party.

3. Package it.

When you really come to think a about it, people often do not remember what the gift is unless it is truly remarkable. What people do remember though is the packaging for these gifts. This is why it is also important to wrap your party favors with a nice material so that it will not look cheap even if it is not purchased but only made.

Yummy Treat: Food As Party Favor

Party favors are great for personally thanking all the guests that have celebrated an impotant moment with you. This would make guests feel appreciated for their attendance and at the same their contribution. Party favors would surely make guests take home a part of the party in the own houses. But how do you make this kind of impact?

One of the most cost-efficient, simple and wonderful ideas for party favor, will be giving away food and treats. Among the most popular food that could be given away in parties would be candies and cookies.

Candy favors

Candies are great give-aways, whether it is a children or adult parties. You could put assorted and colourful candies in transparent and small jars. You could decorate the box or the bag where you will be putting it and even including a thank-you note.

You could make personalized candies. Remove the wrapper and create a new design on your computer. You could include personalized messages like a greeting or a thank you. Personalized candy wrappers are popular that there are companies who could design and make wrappers for you. But you could always do it on your own. Aside from being a party favor, you could also use them as invitation or announcement.


Chocolate, another tasty treat that would make your party unforgettable. You could always buy small chocolate ballotins that would have a couple of mouth-watering chocolates inside. You could even have your chocolate favor customized depending on the occasion. They are great for weddings and baby showers. You could also customize the box where you will be placing the chocolate. You could use simple ribbons to decorate.


The great thing about cookies is that they could make them thematic or artistic. You could buy cookies with different designs, based on your party theme. You could also put them in containers depicting the theme or the occasion being celebrated. Cookies are great for the holidays. When giving cookie party favors, you could include the recipe, especially if it is for a personal recipe that people commends.


They could be a little expensive that other party favors, but they are surely worth giving. You could give out specially made brownies or favourite dessert of the celebrant. There are also foreign recipes that would make good dessert give-aways. An example would be the lazzaroni amaretti cookies which are popular Italian desserts. You could buy them in bulk and just repack them creatively.

If you have a family recipe for dessert, you could share it with the guests. You could even share a famous snack. You could place them inside take-out boxes and design these boxes to suit the occasion.

Wines and drinks

There are affordable celebration wines which could be bought for less than $12.00, like the Italian Proseco. There are also cocktail drinks which can be given in special occasions. They could surely give your even a touch of class and elegance. If you would like to spend less than that, then you could give coffee and tea assortments. You could also personalize their packaging.

When giving away or having food party favors, always consider the theme, the occasion and of course, the budget. You could even give away spices. Bottom line is you give party favors to thank your guests and you would like to thank them in a special way.