Recovery, Body Protection and Sports Nutrition

Food gives us energy and fuels physical activity. Not eating enough can cause a drop in energy and endurance levels and, in the world of sports, can lead to painful losses. This is why athletes learn quickly to pack that extra energy bar just in case.

But food is not only good as energy sources to our muscles. They also hold substances that promote our health, boost our immunity to sicknesses, promote tissue repair, protect cells from damage, protect against age-related cognitive decline and increase resistance to cancers, and other illnesses, all of which are important to maintaining good performance and longevity in sports. These protective substances are commonly known as phytochemicals.

Phytochemicals means “chemicals from plants.” Vegetables and fruits therefore are excellent sources.

Color means protection

Colorful vegetables and fruits have high levels of phytochemicals. In most cases, colorful skins of fruits and vegetables have the most concentrated source of protective nutrients.


Red fruits maintains heart health, memory function, lowers risk to some cancers, and ensures urinary tract health. Lycopene and anthocyanins are available in red fruits and vegetables. Lycopede reduces the risk of several types of cancer, heart and lung disease. Anthocyanins helps protect against heart disease by preventing blood clots. Both may slow the cell aging process.


Beta-carotene is abundant in orange and yellow substances. It is an antioxidant that helps reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease, maintain eyesight, help boost the immune system, and promote repair of damaged DNA. With Vitamin C, Bioflavonoids which are also contained in orange and yellow fruits and vegetables, help reduce the risk of cancer, strengthen bones and teeth, heal wounds, keep skin healthy and lower the risk of heart attacks.


Anthocyanins and Phenols make up blue and purple fruits and vegetables. Research says they may help reduce your risk of cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s and may have anti-aging effects.


Green fruits and vegetables are among the best sources of lutein. Lutein helps reduce the risk of cataracts and mascular degeneration, which can cause loss of vision. Green vegetables are also rich in sulforaphane, isocyanate and indoles which hamper the action of carcinogens.


Allicin, which are found in garlic, leeks, and onions, helps control blood pressure and cholesterol. It looks like it also increases the body’s ability to fight infection. Cauliflower contains sulforaphane, and mushrooms contain selenium. Both are also cancer-fighting.

Because they protect your body from injuries, diseases and untimely aging, colorful vegetables and fruits must be first in mind when buying food to maintain good sports nutrition.

Essentials for fast recovery

Proper recovery is also a main concern in sports nutrition. Sufficient rest and sleep allows the body’s systems to recuperate from training stress and makes you stronger and faster. Training gains can be maximized, recovery process speeded up and performance enhanced by correct food and liquid consumption after workout.

The amount of food you need depends on the extent of the depletion of glycogen stores. How much food you need depends on the extent that your activity depleted your glycogen stores.

For a minimum of 2 hours of exercise, sports nutrition experts recommend around 1-1.5 grams of carbohydrate per kilogram of body weight within 15 minutes after cessation of exercise and every two hours until your next complete meal. Thats around 50-120 grams or 200-480 calories of carbohydrates for most athletes.

Light And Fresh As A Salad

No small thanks to weight watchers everywhere, the salad is beginning to take on center stage from an obscure, little corner during the earlier times. Indeed, salad is now enjoying the same popularity of the, well not exactly pizza, but at least fast food.

New diet and fitness methods seem to pop out everywhere on a monthly basis. From crash to yoyo to Low Carb-High Protein, to the After Six, to South Beach to something as crazy as color dieting.

The methods vary mostly in the food composition that must be consumed while on the diet, but what’s common to all these are the inclusion of salad in one form or another.

Indeed, the humble salad has found its way even to those fast food counters as health consciousness begins to grow. Even the Fast food king, McDonald’s himself, had to yield to the pressure and has started to offer healthy alternatives that includes, you’ve guess it right, the salad.

There are more than a thousand ways to prepare a salad. This can be served as an appetizer, a main course, dessert and even as a sandwich filling. Although most often associated with all those big nutritional stuff such as the lettuces, romaines, tomatoes, carrots, cucumber and grapes, the salad can also take on the form of a heavier meal.

While chicken and tuna are the most common ingredients, pork, turkey and peking duck have already found their way in bowls everywhere.

Generally, the term salad refers to a preparation of chopped and / or sliced ingredients. Although meat can be incorporated in it, it has to contain at least one or two vegetables and fruits. It can be served dry or with a dressing.

The most common dressings are whipped cream, vinaigrette, thousand island, honey-mustard and ceasars’ dressing. And the most common ingredients are lettuce, tomatoes, carrots and cucumber. Eggs have also become a regular ingredient.

The popularity of the salad has grown mostly because of its nutritional value. It satisfies the hunger pangs without weighing in too much on the scale. And this is why it has become a favorite preparation for the health nuts everywhere.

Come to think of it, one need really not be a health enthusiast to enable him or her to enjoy this preparation. With the variety and interesting textures that come up every time, one is bound to find one that he or she can be addicted to.

Healthy Eating Facts And Figures To Keep In Mind

Were unabridged plugged in that staying healthy and fit requires that we attain a balanced diet, get lots of exercise, and also stay away from unhealthy lifestyle habits like smoking, excessive alcohol intake, drugs and others. Those who practice good nutrition, hygiene and regular exercise, often develop healthy habits which they will continue practicing for life, and will keep them healthy for long periods. Here are some healthy eating facts and figures for children, teenagers and adults.

What Is Meal?

According to health experts, the word nutrition refers to the value that we get out of the food we eat. A food item will be deemed nutritious if it provides the required amount of nutrients to support the health of our body, enhance growth, replace lost energy, and allow us to perform at our peak. Nutritious and wholesome foods offer balanced combinations of vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, amino acids, antioxidants, fiber and healthy fats. Foods that are not nutritious cleverly fill our stomachs with serpentine fats and carbohydrates, which only reduce hunger and bloat our bellies.

3 Basic Rules For Promoting a Childs Healthy Diet

In promoting healthy eating habits in progeny, the food pyramid for kids generally promotes three accessible rules for a healthy diet. The rules include variety, balance and moderation. Change means that a childs diet must include different food items from each level of the food pyramid, from a wide array of meats, to vegetables and fruits, whole – grain breads, dairy proteins and fibers. Because no contrastive food item is able to supply the amount of nutrients of a growing child, a childs food choices have to be expanded to include foods of all colors. Balance component eating the right amounts of food from all levels of the food pyramid stale, and moderation refers to being careful not to eat too much of any type of food antecedent.

There Is A Link Between Unhealthy Eating Habits And A Negative Self Image

Nutrition experts and psychologists agree that theres a administer link between unhealthy eating habits and peoples perceptions about their image and body. The use of extreme measures just to control jurisdiction is on the rise instantly, and some adults even appreciate jarring dieting methods with fasting, the use of laxatives, induced vomiting and taking appetite suppressants. These depressing behavioral patterns are often indicators of incoming eating disorders like bulimia or anorexia nervosa. A quantity of studies have also indicated that most girls, particularly teenage girls, tend to worry more about weight and diet in their adolescent years. A 1992 study has also indicated that even six to seven year – old girls are known to worry about their figures too, but nevertheless eat too much.

Healthy eating is a meat-and-potatoes piece in the quest for promoting overall well – being, regardless of whether eating has a oversee relationship with self – esteem. Whats clear is that people who feel good about themselves often make healthy food choices, and depressed self – esteem is usually linked with unhealthy eating habits like binging, purging or dieting.

Recipes From Around The World

Big Book of Cookies

101 Recipes fro the Deep Fryer

Healthy Eating Plan For The Elderly

As we grow senescent. Our body goes through a series of physiological, cellular and psychological changes. When we grow old too, our body exhibits a decline in organ function and metabolic activities. Many factors lead to the decline in bodily functions, and this may be brought by poor lifestyle habits and other environmental factors. Once we age, our diet patterns longing also change, to accommodate the bodys requirements. Heres a viable healthy eating plan for elderly nation.

Low – Fat Diets Are Good For elderly People

In elderly people, its a must that fat intake should be limited. An elderly individuals diet should consist of lean meats, low – fate dairy wares, and less fried food. Why should fat be eliminated, or reduced?, because at this age, our body starts to lose proteins and muscles, and our cardiovascular functions begin to falter, less substantial will keep us promptly from debilitating conditions corresponding stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, rheumatism, and more.

Healthy Eating Suggestions For The Elderly

The key elements to living a healthy life as a senior citizen lies in eating a well – balanced diet, and staying fit and active regularly. With forcible nutrition, exercise and adequate care, your retirement years should be a hep and active one. Here are some healthy eating tips for the elderly.

Eat generous amounts of whole grains, vegetables and fruits. Dried fruits like prunes or figs, and prune juice are suggested.

As we heighten old. The body starts to lose water, and dehydration starts to become a scrape. Its highly recommended that you consume at cardinal 8 glasses of water conventional. Limit consumption of fatty and greasy foods like oils and margarine, fried food, high – fat sweets, meats, salty foods and alcohol.

Get enough vitamin D, to help aid in the affection of calcium. Vitamin D can be sourced from sun frame up, egg yolks, fortified milk and fatty fish. Zinc intake must also be increased. To get for much required zinc, incorporate a few lean meats, fish and poultry into your diet.

Foods that are rich in calcium are also highly – recommended. Foods such a slow – fat cheese, yogurt, broccoli and others are okay for the elderly. Also increase your consumption of good fats. These include foods parallel avocado, salmon, olive oil, walnuts, flax seed, monounsaturated fats and others.

Whole grains are good for the heart and the whole body as well. Choose whole grains over distilled flour, because it has a higher fiber count, and is also packed with more nutrients. Look for whole grain breads, pasta and cereals.

Increase calcium intake. Aging bones need adequate amounts of calcium to discourage osteoporosis and bone fractures, senior citizens need to have as much as 1, 200 mg of calcium each day, which they can get from sources like yogurt, milk and cheese, almonds, kale, tofu and broccoli.

For senior citizens, the benefits of healthy eating are aplenty. These include exceeding resistance to illnesses, higher energy levels, enhanced immune systems, better management of chronic health problems, and faster recuperation from illnesses.

Recipes From Around The World

Big Book of Cookies

101 Recipes fro the Deep Fryer

Organic Gardening Product: From Fruits to Veggies to Flowers

Nowadays, more and more people are getting into organic gardening. Although organic gardening applies to all forms of plants, most often when you say organic gardening product, the first things that come to mind are vegetables and fruits. But, products of the organic way also cover other plants like ornamental and flowery plants. Regardless, may it be growing vegetables, flowers, or even fruits, people are trying to reap the benefits of the organic way.

Organic gardening is a science. It is not just simply planting the seeds and waiting for the plant to grow, flower or bear fruit. The process involves careful planning since organic gardening follows the natural principles of nature in soil cultivation, managing pests, and propagating plants.

However, dont be daunted since we only mention that organic gardening is a science to emphasize that we dont just let nature do the work. We grow our plants or crops by applying a system that is approved by Mother Nature. Thats the essence of it.

There are a lot of elements involved in organic gardening but for our discussion we will focus on general aspects of soil cultivation and pest management.

To succeed in organic gardening, we need to keep the soil healthy. You cant use chemical fertilizers, obviously, since it negates the very purpose of the activity and also the long term use of such fertilizers damages the natural components of the soil. Composting is an essential part of organic gardening. Composts have various benefits for your plants. One, it provides the needed nutrients and improves the overall soil constitution. Second, the compost can help the soil retain more water which means less time spraying your plants with a garden hose.

Aside from proper soil cultivation, the problem that is dreaded by most growers is pest control. From flying to crawling, from walking to boring, managing pests is a vital key in producing quality organic produce or maintaining a healthy organic garden.

In an organic garden, the plants should be able to handle the damage of ordinary insect attacks or damage from common diseases. However, if you feel you need to support your plants there are several ways you could do so. You can spray your garden or plants with solutions that are friendly to the environment such as diluted soapy water or organic sprays from naturally occurring insecticide plants, the neem tree for instance.

Or another way is to equip your garden with friendly insects. You can find out what kind of pests are there in your garden and look for its natural enemies. This way, population of pests can be controlled by your own army of insects. By introducing natural predators, you will no longer fear of pests getting immune from insecticides. But, pest management for an organic garden really involves combinations of techniques.

With proper care, and the right techniques, your organic garden can be sustained. You can be assured that the soil is cared for and healthy, plants will be able to pollinate effectively, water will be conserved, and plants in general will survive longer.

All these elements when combined together will result to a hefty harvest of an organic garden product of your choice. Your vegetables or fruits will be fresher than before. You will have a garden with vibrant and healthy flowers.