What’s Special about Rachel Ray Receipes

Rachel Ray receipes are special because they’re recipes that almost everyone can make. You don’t have to be an expert cook to make many of her 30 minute meals recipes. And even her more complicated recipes are much simpler than you’ll find with some other TV chefs.

With Rachel Ray’s meals, you get a very basic recipe at the core. While some recipes do have a few exotic ingredients that everyone won’t have in the pantry, most do not. This shows that Rachel understands what the average home cook is looking for.

How many times have you been watching a cooking show and been disappointed, This is a common problem with many recipes you’ll find on television. The finished product is beautiful and looks delicious, but only a chef can actually make it!

Often, the recipes are exotic things that few ordinary people would even try. When there are more than a couple of ingredients that you don’t already have, it’s easy to get discouraged. And when there are expensive ingredients that you would buy and never use except for that recipe, it’s unlikely you even want to try it.

Rachel Ray recipes, however, are full of ingredients that are common. Basic ingredients like pasta, vegetables, fruits, cheese, milk, extra virgin olive oil and things you probably have on hand are the staples in her meals.

This makes her recipes easy for almost anyone to try. And usually, when there is an ingredient that you might not have on hand, it’s one that you can use in many other things. Capers, for instance, aren’t something everyone buys. But if you buy them for one recipe, she’ll have several others that use them, too.

This gives even the most inexperienced cook a chance to try something new. Done this way, you won’t be stuck paying a lot of money for an ingredient with one use. This is all too often what happens when you follow other top chef’s recipes.

With Rachel Ray’s recipes, you also don’t have to buy any of her pre-packaged products. While she does have some food products available, like chicken and beef broth, her recipes don’t require that you use them. Rachel Ray’s meals are truly recipes that you can use without special knowledge or brand-name purchases.

It’s also fun to cook along with someone who’s really enthusiastic about the recipes. She actually makes the meals in 30 minutes on the television show. Unlike other cooking shows, nothing is pre-chopped or prepared in advance. So you could actually do the same thing she does and follow along.

If you’re looking for a simple and fast meal, Rachel Ray’s 30 Minute Meals can’t be beat. You can make a main dish, a side dish, and usually a salad and a dessert all in a half an hour. And since the ingredients are mostly common ones, you can find the exact things she uses.

With Rachel Ray receipes that are so simple and easy to follow, everyone should be able to enjoy her fun and healthy 30 minute meals.

Rachel Ray Cooking – You Can Do It

Rachel Ray cooking is a type of cooking that even a brand new cook can manage. And rather than just end up with something okay, even a new cook can get awesome results right away. That’s because Rachel Ray’s recipes are designed to be easy and fast.

Her 30 Minute Meals is a top television show. It rocketed her to stardom, first on the Food Network as a chef, and then as a product spokesperson, magazine publisher and talk show host. It seems that everyone likes Rachel Ray, and even if they don’t, they know who she is.

There are dozens of top chefs who have shows on the Food Network. They all have best-selling cookbooks, their own cooking tools, their own food items and other things that they sell. All these chefs specialize in something.

One is an expert on making foods for parties, while another cooks down-home Southern food. Other shows demonstrate exotic European recipes. And Rachel Ray’s shows feature recipes that anyone at home can make without needing to go to specialty shops or take cooking lessons.

There’s no one type of food you’ll be cooking with Rachel Ray. She demonstrates Italian foods, American specialties like cheeseburgers, sandwiches, salads, Greek Food and almost every type of food. The only thing she specializes in is recipes that are delicious and easy to make.

Something that attracts people to her show is the ability to create a great meal in just a half an hour. It’s certainly not impossible to make your own meal in 30 minutes. Especially if you open boxes and cans and only have to add a few ingredients to the pre-packaged items.

But this is far from a healthy way to eat. And by Rachel Ray’s advice, if you read the label and can’t pronounce something on it, you probably should not be eating it. Her recipes feature natural foods that you’re familiar with and probably already buy.

Since she feels this way, her 30 minute recipes have ingredients that are all basic and healthful. And by using her recipes to make great meals, you won’t have to deal with harmful additives and the tons of sodium and fat found in pre-packaged foods.

Even in her recipes that might call for a jarred or canned ingredient, it’s easy to make sure it’s super healthy. Just choose the brand with the most natural ingredients. If the recipe calls for prepared pasta sauce, for instance, choose an organic brand, or at least one without things like high-fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated oils.

Rachel Ray’s cooking certainly won’t call for ingredients like that. And a great side benefit of following her 30 minute meals is that you get trained to do it on your own. After you’ve been following her recipes for a while, you’ll have your own ideas.

You may suddenly see how to turn a complicated recipe into something simpler, and faster to prepare. So while it’s fun to watch Rachel Ray cooking on TV, you’ll soon be making your own 30 minute meals without even looking at her recipes.

Organic Gardening Containers

Organic gardening isnt just for people who have backyards. This is because you can also do it when you live either in an apartment or a condo with the help of organic gardening containers.

Organic gardening containers have advantages despite their limitations. They may serve as dcor when this is placed in the balcony or patio, it can easily be brought indoors during the winter and you will not encounter that many problems normally found in the garden like weeds, insects or soil borne diseases.

When you decide to buy organic gardening containers, you should also use premium potting mix instead of soil since it is much lighter and provides excellent draining for whatever you are growing. Chances are you will also be using nutrients so make sure you follow the directions since too much organic fertilizer will burn the roots.

Organic gardening container plants require more water than those you plant. This should be given in small amounts half an hour after initial watering so you avoid drowning your crops. It is best to hang them instead of putting them on the ground and if there are no holes, go ahead and make a few. Since it gets pretty hot during the summer, you can add mulch which really helps prevent it from drying out.

What plants or herbs work well with organic gardening containers? Some examples of these are capsicum, carrots, bush beans, eggplant, lettuce, onions, peas, radishes, spinach and tomatoes. Strawberries will also grow well here so if you want to know more ask someone at the local gardening shop or do your own research online.

Plants inside organic gardening containers need sunlight. Ideally, this should be about six hours everyday preferably in the morning rather than the later afternoon. If the area where you plan to put them is quite windy, it is best to group these together with the tallest along the walls to give cover for the others.

What is the ideal organic gardening container? Fortunately, it can be made of clay, plastic or wood. The important thing is that it can drain the water because your plants will die if it is unable to. Since they come in different sizes, you have to know the right one to get from the store.

Your basis should be the average root depth as well as the diameter of the plant. If your plant has 6 inch deep roots and grows about 10 inches wide, the ideal organic gardening container should be 8 inches deep and 10 to 12 inches wide. There must always be a small room for allowance because it is possible that whatever you are growing will grow to be bigger than you anticipated so better to be safe than sorry.

Should there bugs like hookworms around your plant, bring them to the sink and wash the leaves. If there are slugs, sprinkle diatomaceous earth on the soil so you can get rid of them.

If there aphids on your plant, get some other insects to kill them by buying a pack of ladybugs so they will eat it without causing any collateral damage to your produce.

You could say that organic garden containers are an innovation to gardening. This is because you can do it almost anywhere like in a condo or an apartment so that you no longer have to buy organic fruits or vegetables from store when you can just get it from the balcony or the window.