At War With Food: The Cause of Food Allergy

An allergy takes place when the immune system suddenly has an abnormal response to a certain material that is usually not detrimental to most individuals except those who have allergies. When an allergy is triggered by a substance or allergen, a persons body recognizes this as a trespasser and subsequently releases chemicals to fight off the trespasser causing symptoms that can range from a simple irritation to a fatal reaction that may even lead to death.

Food allergy is a reaction made by the immune system in which antibodies are produced by the body as a result of a negative effect to some foods. Though there are many individuals who claim that they have food allergies, there are only a few who really have certain allergic reactions to food. Most people confuse food allergy with food intolerance. Food intolerance and food allergy are both sensitivity reactions to food, but intolerance to certain types of food does not affect the immune system and isnt really a life threatening incident.

As of the present time, the medical world still has not found any cure for food allergies. Allergy management only involves the prevention of intake of food allergens and some diet modifications.

Looking closely, during an allergic reaction, the bodys immune system releases antibodies, specifically immunoglobulin E. It subsequently causes the production of chemicals like histamine in the process of protecting the body. Now, these chemicals are the root cause of symptoms which may include an irritation in the eyes, skin, throat, lungs, and the gastrointestinal organs. These takes place whenever the individual is exposed to the allergen.

Although any type of food can cause allergic reactions to different types of individuals, there are eight major foods out there that are often the main culprits of an allergic reaction. These eight major allergy-causing foods are: fish, soy, milk, wheat, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, and shellfish.

By and large, individuals afflicted with allergies react only to some allergy-causing foods. Sometimes, allergy to a certain type of food may also cause allergic reaction to foods that may be related with the allergen food. This incidence is known as cross-reaction. For instance, an allergic reaction to wheat may also cause a reaction to rye. Allergy to pollens subsequently causes an allergy to green apples, hazelnuts, almonds, and peaches. A reaction to goats milk may also be associated with an allergy to cows milk. And the list goes on and on.

Moreover, individuals who have been afflicted with asthma and/or eczema may also be at risk of developing a food allergy. With bad luck, they would probably have a reaction that is more severe than those people who only have food allergy to worry about. This is due to the fact that when an allergy takes place the person will be under stress which then may lead to triggering their asthma and/or eczema which will aggravate the situation.

But the intensity of the reaction will depend on some circumstances like the individuals sensitivity threshold to the food allergen, amount of eaten food, and the exposure scale the person has to the food.

Although, there is no cure to allergies, self-discipline and vigilance will help you, the allergy-sufferer, overcome these food problems. There may be some medications out there that alleviate the symptoms but a consultation to the physician will give you a better understanding to your allergy problems as well as treatment recommendations.

Food Allergy and Food Intolerance: Identification and Treatment

Most medical doctors nowadays are giving much attention to food allergies and intolerance unlike before. Although there is no particular drug that can be used as treatment for food allergies, there are other alternatives that can be pursued to control your addiction to certain foods. Some doctors also prescribe vitamin supplements and other drugs that can be helpful in controlling your cravings for certain foods.

Jonathan Brostoff and Linda Gamin wrote a book which was published way back in the year 2000. It’s a book all about food allergies, food intolerance, and their treatments. If you want to get invaluable advice to achieve long-lasting and dramatic health improvements, this is the best book to add to your book collection.

This book explains how food sensitivities cause misdiagnosed and chronic ailments like migraines, persistent fatigue, and sinus problems. It also features a gradual process of identifying certain food allergies, intolerances, and helps you reshape your diet to achieve better health.

Some chronic ailments like the ones mentioned above remain elusive, and doctors find it quite hard to diagnose such ailments. If all conventional tests can’t provide comprehensible diagnosis, the likely culprits are food intolerance and food allergies.

You can find clear explanations about the causes, differences between allergies and intolerance, and various case studies on certain problems that the readers are quite familiar about. Most importantly, the needed solutions or treatments for such problems are also provided. Many charts and illustrations are provided, including an elimination diet divided into three stages and a gradual reintroduction food system.

If you suspect that you have a persistent condition that is linked to any dietary sensitivity, this book can provide you with the necessary information that you will need in achieving sound results. You’re not only improving your health, but your life as well.

Most critics gave the book high ratings and they claim that the texts are thorough and detailed. The critics recommend the book for public health collections and for the general consumers. If you’re studying about food problems and allergies, this is a must-have that you shouldnt miss. Of course the book can’t please everyone, and there are those that say the book lacks adequate examination of complementary and/or alternative practices which most readers and allergy sufferers are looking for in a book.

Many consumers also gave the book high ratings. Most of them claim that it’s truly a helpful book that it unlocks the door that leads to the better understanding of food intolerance and food allergy.

The good news is that the book is sold at approximately $20, and is shipped to you in twenty four hours. If you can’t afford it, you can settle for used copies, but make sure that you get it from authorized dealers.

The authors of the book are Brostoff and Gamlin, and they are an honorary professor/consulting physician and biochemist respectively. Brostoff is highly recognized as the leading authority on intolerance and food allergy internationally while Gamlin specializes about health matters, allergies, and immune system. Gamlin is also a well respected writer.

So if anyone in your family suffers from any health condition and you think that it is brought about by food allergy, or perhaps food intolerance, dont hesitate to buy the book. This is the key to discover what causes such health conditions.

Allergy-free Dog Food, Is it the Best Solution?

Your pet dog is a unique companion that requires your love and attention. When your dog is suffering from any ailment or condition, you’re also suffering. Sometimes, it’s difficult to find out what causes such ailments, and many vets claim that it has something to do with food allergies. Around 10% of dog allergies are due to food.

Allergies related to foods can be very alarming to the owner. If you frequently see your dog excessively scratching and itching, then your pet may have a certain food allergy.

The most common food culprits are corn, wheat, and soy. There are also dogs allergic to beef and chicken. It would be best to bring your dog to a vet so that the doctor can give an accurate diagnosis and the proper way of treating your best friend.

If your dog compulsively and excessively licks his foot, or bites or chews his other body parts, this is already a sign that your pet has an allergy. Usually, pet nutritionists and vets recommend the substitution of your dog’s protein source. For this special purpose, lambs are often used to introduce something that’s new to his diet.

If you greatly rely on your vet, he would usually give you expensive formulas that are hypo-allergenic. But did you know that you can also figure things out by yourself? There are dog food mixes that are specially designed for those with food allergies. In the long run, these mixes can be expensive.

You can begin giving allergy-free mixes so that you can closely control your dog’s diet. The mixes contain vitamins and nutrients formulated exclusively for dogs. Try to experiment and introduce other protein sources and observe the dog’s reaction for a few days.

There are certain dog mixes that are chicken-based, while others have fish protein. Every now and then, change your dog’s protein source and observe. If you finally found one that goes well with your dog and the allergies seem to improve, then stick to that diet.

There are things to remember when you’re introducing a new food for your dog. You must do it slowly for about six days. Use the ration 4 is to 1, with 4 being the old food. Do this gradually until the sixth day, when you’ve totally changed your dog’s diet. Stick with the food for at least a week and keep a close watch if your dog develops a certain reaction.

You can’t solve the allergy problems of your dog overnight. Break your dog’s food cycle by starting with a neutral food that’s grain-free. After finding the right protein source for your dog, you can try re-introducing the grain back and see if there’s an effect. Use your common sense; and if you choose to do things on your own, you can also save a lot of money. And remember that you should feed your dog with a well-balanced diet with the right amount of vitamins and minerals.

The process of sensitizing your pet dog to a certain food agent and the complex antibody response which takes place in your dog’s intestinal tracts are not yet well understood. Despite this fact, many vets and nutritionists know the symptoms and how to correctly diagnose allergies, as well as treating them.

So you see, you can also try other alternatives in choosing your dog’s food other than allergy-free foods. All it takes is patience, time, and common sense.