Why Ice Cream Is Important

Fewer food products have had such a wide range of appeal, and such a longstanding appeal, as ice cream. The popularity of ice cream has withstood the test of time, being a greatly-loved treat from generation to generation. The enjoyment of ice cream knows no barriers of age, class, gender, or any of the other factors which often divide and separate people. Ice cream is truly a universal delight almost everyone loves it!

Ice cream itself is not specifically designated as one of the Four Basic Food Groups. While some people, albeit humorously, believe that it should be, ice cream merely takes its place amongst the Dairy Group. The result is that it can then get lost amidst the more basic dairy products, such as plain milk and plain cheese, while there is nothing at all plain about ice cream!

Humor aside, ice cream’s place in the food groups is very important, for standard ice cream and its many variations is a very healthy food. Although there are a number of factors to consider in selecting and consuming ice cream, categorizing it along with the other food products in the Dairy Group is wise, for even just the factor of its high calcium content makes ice cream a product which is beneficial to most people’s everyday diets.

Ice cream also has a “community” aspect on a number of different levels. On one of the most personal and memorable ends of the scale, ice cream is a favorite addition to a family dinner. For the many whose meals are not complete without a dessert, family members will certainly state that ice cream is at or at least near the top of their list of favorites.

On the other end of the scale are the larger, community events which include ice cream. Some, for that matter, such as the ice cream socials which are popular in parts of the United States, place the sharing of ice cream as the main focus. Sharing ice cream and interacting with friends and neighbors thus becomes synonymous.

For children and adults alike, ice cream can be a special treat. Whether ice cream is a standard part of everyday life or not, it can also be more meaningful and memorable. Ice cream can be a major part of a party, it can be a reward to yourself or your child for a job or task done well, and in the excessive heat of summer weather it can be a delightful and refreshing way to cool off. There is something that is not exactly describable in terms other than “very good” about being able to walk into your favorite ice cream shop on a hot summer day and treat yourself to a double-scoop ice cream cone.

Many people also choose ice cream as a favorite “comfort food.” Ice cream is a great way to boost one’s mood when life is at less than its best. Whether one’s preference is to dig into a half-gallon container from one’s freezer, or to go to a local ice cream shop and order something “with everything on it,” there is no comparison to the mood-elevating effects of ice cream.

Ice cream is also one of the basics for simple relaxation. After a long, hard day at work, it is a very positive thing indeed to be able to enjoy a bowl of your favorite ice cream while relaxing in your own home in front of the television set or while reading a good book.

In all of these situations and others, ice cream adds to the enjoyment of everyday situations, and makes what would otherwise be ordinary, to be even better!

What to Know About Calcium Channel Blockers

Calcium is very important to the human body especially to women who have given birth. It is responsible for making the bones and teeth strong. Nevertheless, a bone with high calcium content can stand the heavy stress that is given by work done by a person.

However, calcium can also be harmful to human when it is absorbed by organs not needing it. It may cause paralysis, other health complication or even death. That can happen when calcium goes into the hearts muscle. Calcium can make the muscle of the heart to contract and can narrow the arteries which may later be able to cause heart attack or stroke.

The pharmaceutical society developed a drug that can block the entry of the calcium to the heart and its components. The drug is commonly known as calcium channel blocker. There are different calcium channel blockers and some of them are dihydropyridine, phenylalkylamine and benzothiazepine.

The following questions may be asked to totally know Calcium Channel Blockers:

What are Calcium Channel Blockers?

They are drugs formulated to block calcium entrance to the heart and its components. It prevents calcium to penetrate the heart because calcium can cause complications in the heart that may lead to heart attack and other health problems. Calcium channel blockers may lower angina (the pain experienced by a person due to low oxygen intake in the heart carried by the blood) in the heart. It can lower angina by means of dilating the arteries and lowering the pressure in the arteries to allow more oxygen intake. It can also work by means of lowering the pressure in the heart, causing the latter to pump blood easily causing it to require less oxygen.

What are the usages Calcium Channel Blockers?

Primarily, calcium channel blockers are used to prevent the entry of calcium to the heart. It is specifically used to treat angina, high blood pressure and abnormal heart rhythms. Calcium channel blockers are also used by cardiologists as beta-blocking drugs for heart attack patients.

What are the side-effects of the Calcium Channel Blockers?

Most medicines have side effects and can cause negative reactions in the human body. A person treated with calcium channel blocker may experience constipation, headache, edema or the swelling of the legs, nausea, dizziness and drowsiness. A person may also experience low blood pressure due to high concentration of the medicine to lower high blood pressure.

Those are the basic things to know about calcium channel blockers. Do not be afraid of the side-effects of the medicine because they are still tolerable. When cure is assumed, side-effects are neglected.

Not Just Dairy: Other Sources of Calcium

Are you feeling tired most of the time?

Does your mood swing swift from one frame of mind to another?

Perhaps, you lack proper nourishment. To other people, food alone does not suffice your body s need for a healthy well-being. Nowadays more individuals are into food supplements or vitamins to fill in the nutritional gap they are experiencing.

Calcium is one great example of a nutrient which is normally less in an individual s diet. Because of this, more individuals are experiencing brittle bones and teeth.

Nutritionists recommend that you ingest suggested dietary allowance of calcium to complete your diet. Each group of individuals has different calcium needs. For instance, an infant until he reaches the age of one need to have about 250-600 mg of calcium per day. On the other hand, toddlers between one to three years old require about 500 to 800 mg of calcium per day. Preschoolers between four to ten years old has calcium requirement of about 600 to 800 mg per day. Teenagers need 700 to 1200 mg of calcium per day. If you are in your adult stage which is normally twenty five years old and above, you need to have 800 to 1200 mg of calcium daily. You can observe that as a person ages, his need for calcium increases.

Dairy and other milk products are your major sources of calcium. However there are other alternatives to milk and milk products for you to be able to supply your body with the proper amount of calcium.

Fruits and vegetables which are rich in calcium are the following:

” Orange
” Apricots
” Pears
” Prunes and other related prune fruits
” Broccoli
” Sweet potatoes
” Nearly all of the dark, green leafy vegetables

You can also obtain calcium through nut consumption. Some of the nuts which you need to take are:

” Hazelnuts
” Chestnuts
” Brazil nuts
” Seeds such as sesame, pumpkin and sunflower

Fish and other sea foods can also be your source of calcium. Sardines and salmon are known to have high calcium content. Other than that you can also choose to ingest mackerel, shrimp, clams, flounder, and oysters.

If you think that food alone cannot provide you with enough calcium, then you can decide to undergo consuming calcium supplements. It is recommended that you consult with your nutritionist before taking any supplements.

For you to be in good physical shape you must take into consideration what food items you are taking. By doing so you can ensure that you will not feel restless most of the time nor have mood swings.

Great Food with Highest Calcium Content

There are several kinds of foods that are believed to be ideal source of calcium. However, some are rich in fats that seem unhelpful and can cause negative effects for those people who want to diminish the amount of fats in their body. The most common dairy product that provides a good source of calcium is milk and all its by products such as yogurt and cheese. Typical sources of milk are cow, carabao and goat.

Fruits and vegetables are also perfect for your calcium needs. In fact, most of the doctors are recommending habitual eating of the said foods because these are rich in fibers that help cleanse the human body from other components that are not necessary for the processes. Sour fruits that have tolerable acid component are also rich in calcium. For the kids, these are usually given to them in order to maintain stronger bones and teeth.

Resources of calcium that can be purchased in the market are also available. Fish such as salmon is not only known for containing calcium but protein as well. The fresh one is better than the canned or processed salmon. On the other hand, if your problem is all about your diet you can try eating foods like grain products.

Necessary procedure must always be followed regarding the proper and the right amount of calcium we need to take in our system everyday. Doctors who had previous problems with patients encountering zinc deficiency, assessed that too much intake of calcium can be a major cause for some health problems. The reason behind this is that excessive calcium may hold or obstruct the absorption of iron and zinc into our system. Thus, blockage can be a result of this deficiency.

Taking a healthy and balance diet is the best remedy for us to have the sufficient calcium intake everyday. A small amount of foods that have calcium at least found in your three main meals for the day can ensure that you will be free from zinc deficiency.

Dietitian and physicians are preparing their versions of diet plan that you can follow in your meal routine per day. In most cases, they determine the kind of foods depending on a certain level or percentage of calcium content.

Choose the right kinds of foods for your calcium needs so that you can get rid of the possible deficiency that you will encounter in the future.