What’s Special about Rachel Ray Receipes

Rachel Ray receipes are special because they’re recipes that almost everyone can make. You don’t have to be an expert cook to make many of her 30 minute meals recipes. And even her more complicated recipes are much simpler than you’ll find with some other TV chefs.

With Rachel Ray’s meals, you get a very basic recipe at the core. While some recipes do have a few exotic ingredients that everyone won’t have in the pantry, most do not. This shows that Rachel understands what the average home cook is looking for.

How many times have you been watching a cooking show and been disappointed, This is a common problem with many recipes you’ll find on television. The finished product is beautiful and looks delicious, but only a chef can actually make it!

Often, the recipes are exotic things that few ordinary people would even try. When there are more than a couple of ingredients that you don’t already have, it’s easy to get discouraged. And when there are expensive ingredients that you would buy and never use except for that recipe, it’s unlikely you even want to try it.

Rachel Ray recipes, however, are full of ingredients that are common. Basic ingredients like pasta, vegetables, fruits, cheese, milk, extra virgin olive oil and things you probably have on hand are the staples in her meals.

This makes her recipes easy for almost anyone to try. And usually, when there is an ingredient that you might not have on hand, it’s one that you can use in many other things. Capers, for instance, aren’t something everyone buys. But if you buy them for one recipe, she’ll have several others that use them, too.

This gives even the most inexperienced cook a chance to try something new. Done this way, you won’t be stuck paying a lot of money for an ingredient with one use. This is all too often what happens when you follow other top chef’s recipes.

With Rachel Ray’s recipes, you also don’t have to buy any of her pre-packaged products. While she does have some food products available, like chicken and beef broth, her recipes don’t require that you use them. Rachel Ray’s meals are truly recipes that you can use without special knowledge or brand-name purchases.

It’s also fun to cook along with someone who’s really enthusiastic about the recipes. She actually makes the meals in 30 minutes on the television show. Unlike other cooking shows, nothing is pre-chopped or prepared in advance. So you could actually do the same thing she does and follow along.

If you’re looking for a simple and fast meal, Rachel Ray’s 30 Minute Meals can’t be beat. You can make a main dish, a side dish, and usually a salad and a dessert all in a half an hour. And since the ingredients are mostly common ones, you can find the exact things she uses.

With Rachel Ray receipes that are so simple and easy to follow, everyone should be able to enjoy her fun and healthy 30 minute meals.

Issues About Ice Cream

If you love ice cream, making choices that are right for you often involves more than your personal preference of flavor and style. As ice cream companies now manufacture and sell an increasingly-large range of ice cream products, it is helpful to know the differences between these products. Some ice cream products are simply better for you than others; and you may want to take these factors into consideration whether or not you have any dietary restrictions or weight-loss issues which directly affect you. Being a well-informed consumer is the best way to go about this, and it will provide for more healthy choices as well as more enjoyment of the ice creams that you select.

If you have the need to reduce the amount of sugar that you consume, you may be interested in knowing the difference between “no sugar added” and “sugar free.” Some people do not even realize that there is a difference, and the difference is not markedly clear on most ice cream packaging. These terms do not mean the same thing. The difference between sugar free and no sugar added is really quite simple, but unfortunately many consumers are not aware of it. No sugar added only means that there was no sugar added to the ice cream during its production; the sugar content from the original ingredients, however, remains in the final product.

For a product to be labeled sugar free, however, the requirement is that the product have no more than .5 grams of sugar per serving. This is difficult with a product such as ice cream, for many of the ingredients which are in ice cream contain their own natural sugars. The sugar free status is hardest to achieve in ice creams which contain fruit or nuts, for both are quite high in their own natural sugar content. Even the basic ingredients needed to produce ice cream contain natural sugar. Some ice cream manufacturers are currently working on methods to improve their sugar free ice creams, in order for these products to remain healthy while not sacrificing taste and quality.

An important consideration for those on weight-loss diets is that the calorie content itself of fat-free, lowfat, and light ice creams is not significantly different from the more standard styles. These designations are more relevant to those who specifically have dietary restrictions on their fat intake.

The standards by which these differences are determined begin with the requirement that ice creams which are labeled light or reduced fat must have a lower fat content than the regular style. Both have a higher fat content than products which can be labeled low-fat. As cream, the main ingredient in regular ice creams, has a very high concentration of fat, it is difficult to produce ice cream with a very low or nonexistent fat content; doing so generally places it in the category of ice milk.

Although ice cream in its natural state is a dairy food that is rich in calcium, those with a special dietary interest or health concern may wish to consider ice creams which are fortified with calcium. This would be a good choice for children and teens whose teeth and bones are still developing, and for women who have a concern or family history of osteoporosis. Although calcium fortified ice creams may tend to be a bit more expensive than the regular varieties, the longterm health benefits to choosing calcium fortified ice cream are well worth it.

Ice cream is no longer as simple as it used to be. But becoming informed about the differences in the many choices which are available to day is the best step toward making healthy choices.