Melted Belgian Chocolate: The Best Way to Eat Belgian Chocolates

Melted Belgian Chocolate: The Best Way to Eat Belgian Chocolates

It is a fact that Belgian chocolates are widely loved by everyone around the world. From Asia to America to Europe, chocolates are definitely the world’s favorite candy. In fact diet fanatics from all over the world regard chocolates as their number one enemy because they can never resist eating one from time to time. Your dieting sister may even have a secret stash of chocolates in her bedroom or they sneak in to the kitchen in the middle of the night just to get eat a piece of chocolate.

Children and adults alike enjoy eating chocolates. However, you have to consider the fact that there are different kinds of chocolates available in the market today. Different countries have different recipes for chocolates and you have to consider that only handful countries perfect the manufacturing of premium chocolates that tastes great and offers a taste that you will never grow tired off.

Unlike cheap chocolates, fine chocolates are very different in texture and in taste. You have to consider that a chocolate should not be too sweet and should also be smooth when it is melting in your mouth. One of the best chocolate manufacturing countries in the world is Belgium. Belgium is well-known for producing the finest chocolates in the world where their chocolates are considered to be perfect.

So, if you are looking for that chocolate that you can definitely love, you have to try Belgian chocolates as it can make you want to eat more. For centuries, Belgian chocolates have been highly regarded even by aristocrats all over the world. They consider Belgian chocolates as the worlds finest and nothing comes close to the taste, smoothness and creaminess it offers.

In the past, the best way to eat a chocolate is by drinking it. Today, chocolates are widely available in bars and in morsels. However, you have to consider the fact that melting it and drinking it is still the best way to consume chocolate. You have to realize the fact that most people find it more satisfying to drink chocolate instead of consuming it in its solid form. In the winter, many Belgians melt their chocolates and drink it in order to get themselves warm.

Aside from getting warm, melted chocolates can also give you more satisfaction as it passes inside your mouth. It can release its full flavor and it can also be smoother and creamier in texture. So, if you want to eat chocolate, especially in the winter months, you should try melting it, put it in your favorite cup and slowly sip it. With every sip, you will want to keep it in your mouth as long as possible and never swallow it at all. This is how delicious Belgian chocolates are. If you are still skeptical about it and you have never tasted Belgian chocolates before, you should try and purchase one.

Since Belgian chocolates are considered to be the finest in the world, you have to expect it to be on the expensive side. There are quite a lot of Belgian chocolate brands available in the market today. And, naming two of the finest Belgian chocolate brands are Godiva and Callabaut.

So, if you want a Belgian chocolate that can be more satisfying to eat, you should melt it and drink it. A Belgian chocolate in a cup is better than a Belgian chocolate in a box.

Regional Italian Food

When most people think of Italian food they think of dishes of spaghetti, lasagna, minestrone, and tortellini. This is a very general view of Italian food and if you were to travel to Italy you would be very shocked by the Italian food that they eat. The main reason for this is that there are over nineteen regions in Italy, all serving up their own variation on Italian food. Furthermore, Italian food is very seasonal and depends on the freshest ingredients, so the cuisine in summer will be very different than the winter cuisine.

The Italian food that most Americans are familiar with comes from the northern parts of Italy. This is where the rich dishes full of cheese and heavy on the sauce come from. The meats that are most commonly used here are beef and pork. If you love the Italian food that you can find in America, than the northern region of Italy is the place for you. This food will be most familiar, but it will still offer an exciting change from the Italian food found in the United States. Also, don’t let the stereotypical view of Italian food just being spaghetti and meatballs slow you down. In fact, very few people in Italy actually eat spaghetti and meatballs. The Italian food that is actually found in Italy is much more complex and diverse and will rely on more spices than just garlic.

As you move further south in Italy you will find that the cuisine changes. In the south there is more fish used. Often this brand of Italian food is called Mediterranean food. The dishes here are much lighter and are healthier in general. The people in the southern half of Italy are amongst the healthiest in the world and it is due in great part to the types of Italian food that they eat. One of the reasons this Italian food is so healthy is because they use olive oil to cook most of their food in.

One of the great misconceptions about Italian food is that it uses too many spices in overwhelming quantities. This misconception probably arises out the importation of Italian food to America where it is often cooked by people who have never been to Italy, much less eaten authentic Italian food. While spices are used in Italian food, they are meant to be an accent to the natural flavor of the dish. The fact that Italian food is seasonal makes it less likely to rely on heavy spices since there is a strong fresh flavor about the meats, sauces, and pastas. However, travelers will find that the food in the northern regions of Italy do use a little more spice in their Italian food than the southern regions.

So, when thinking of Italian food it is important to remember that there is no national standard of the cuisine. With nineteen regions there is a vast diversity in dishes. Each region boasts their own unique take on Italian food, showcasing their native crops and livestock. However, all throughout the country travelers will taste that certain something; will feel that comforting familiarity; that makes Italian food one of the most popular cuisines in the world.

The Beginning of Nachos And What They Have Become!

Nachos are one of the most popular snack foods. They can be found at home, festivals, and sporting events. They do not take much effort to prepare. People add different toppings and enjoy the warm cheese. It may be a surprise to know that nachos came about less than 100 years ago. It all started in 1943 at the military base, Fort Duncan in Eagle Pass, Texas. A few military wives decided to take a visit to Mexico, which was not far away at all. The wives grew hungry, so they stopped by a restaurant, demanding food and drinks. The only employee available, who was nicknamed “nacho”, brought out tortilla chips. He melted Wisconsin cheese over it and cut jalapenos for a topping. The women enjoyed the snack so much that they went back to Texas and it spread like wildfire.

Texas was the only area that knew about this special dish. It was not until 1977 when a man named Frank Liberto decided to sell nachos at his concession stand. He found a way to keep the cheese soft and served it with tortilla chips. One day when it was Monday night football, a few of the hosts tried the nachos and fell in love with the new snack. Whenever the hosts were on the air, they would talk about nachos any chance they got, which spread the word all over the United States.

These days’ people all over the United States enjoy this snack. There is a never ending variety of toppings that can be served on the nachos. Some include guacamole, tomatoes, lettuce, olives, and ground beef. Some people enjoy the nacho cheese so much that they put it on other foods. Have you ever tried nacho cheese on ice cream? How about on sausage, and fish? Maybe these people enjoy the cheese a bit too much.

Different parts of the United States serve nachos differently. In the south, you can usually find nachos at barbeque restaurants. The toppings include barbequed beef with the sauce on top of the rest of the toppings. Restaurants in other parts of the country refer to some nacho platters as “loaded nachos”. It is usually an appetizer. Loaded nachos are abundant in toppings. You can find these at bars and restaurants. Outside of America also enjoy nachos. If you go to Ireland you will find “Irish nachos”. Instead of tortilla chips, they use French fries or potato wedges. The rest of the toppings are the same as regular nachos.

Nachos are simple to make from your own home. There are many different recipes available. Some include chicken instead of beef. Others have many different vegetables with a dab of sour cream on top. Let your imagination go wild. If you would prefer to have it already made, some grocery stores have the nachos pre packed with the nacho cheese in a separate container next to the chips. A great way to have authentic nachos is by having lunch or dinner at a local Mexican restaurant. The nachos can come really big and piled with many toppings. It may be messy, but it is worth it!

The History of Coffee Makers

It was love at first sip. Once man discovered the taste of coffee and the stimulating effect of caffeine on the body, he was hooked. The road to a quality coffee maker has been bumpy. Original coffee makers had a slight problem in that they occasionally blew up. Sometimes they burned the coffee.

According to some, women who ran houses of ill repute were among the first great coffee makers. In 1674, men were spending so much time drinking at local coffee houses that the women in England tried to outlaw coffee. Coffee makers in the 1600’s and 1700’s were designed in an array of styles, most featuring a fat bulge in an effort to help retain the coffee grounds when pouring out the coffee.

Some creative individual put coffee in a sock in an effort to contain the grounds in 1780. This heralded the birth of the Mr. Biggin coffee maker. The Mr. Biggin used a cloth filter. Coffee fans tried cotton, wool, burlap and other fabrics and materials to filter coffee. Cloth wasn’t working real well. In 1802, the metal coffee filter came into use.

The 1800’s were a time of rapid coffee maker development. Madame Vassieux of Lyons, developed a vacuum coffee maker. Madame Richard also created a vacuum style coffee maker. Vacuum and percolator coffee makers were widely used. In 1818, a Parisian metal smith invented the first coffee percolator. In America, the Cowboy Pot was the coffee maker of choice.

During the years of 1835 to 1850, many, many coffee makers are invented. Glass balloon coffee makers, vacuum system coffee makers, piston system coffee makers, pressure steamer coffee makers, a Naperian balancing siphon coffee maker and other coffee makers, roasters and grinders are invented.

The birth of the Manning-Bowman Percolator ocurred in 1890. House Furnishings Review magazine promoted the Cafetiere double blown-glass coffee maker. The Raparlier coffee maker featured a filter made of hemp. This style of Hydropneumatic coffee maker was used as late as the 1960’s.

Vacuum and percolator coffee makers continued to be created in different syles. Plunger filters were first introduced in the 1900’s. The principle is still applied to coffee makers today. Some say that it is virtually impossible to make a bitter cup of coffee with a plunger style coffee maker.

As the 1900’s progressed, Willy Brandl invented one of the first ever electric coffee makers. The major development in this case was the switch that automatically turned the coffee maker off when the liquid level was low.
Coffee filters as we know them today were born in 1912. Frau Benz invented Melitta coffee filter paper. Goodbye linen and cloth coffee filters. Hello paper. Easy to use and easy to get rid of.

The first true espresso machine arrived in 1946 when Achille Gaggia designed the first espresso machine that didn’t involve using steam. Within fifteen years, modern coffee makers using paper filters began to be used commercially. Bunn introduced the paper filter as it’s known today in 1957. The first ‘pourover’ coffee maker was introduced by Bunn in 1963.

Mr. Coffee was born in 1972. The automatic drip coffee maker hits store shelves and start showing up in homes and businesses everywhere. After Mr. Coffee signed Joe DiMaggio to be the company spokesman in 1974, Mr. Coffee became a household name.

When the price of coffee beans skyrocketed in 1977, Mr. Coffee created a coffee saver coffee maker that used less coffee. The first thermal coffee carafe is born around this time, giving coffee drinkers the ability to easily keep coffee hot for long periods. By 1979, timers appeared on coffee makers and have come a long way from the Cowboy Coffee Pot. It will be interesting to see how the machines evolve over the next hundred years.

How Healthy is Mexican Food

If you ask majority of Americans on when the last time they ate Mexican food, usually it is within the last week. Mexican foods have become very popular in the United States. The problem is that the Mexican foods in America are not the same as they are in Mexico. Americans have added super fat and super sized the meals. If you go down to Mexico, you may not even find the same dishes because the dishes were created in America. Authentic Mexican food is rich in fresh vegetables, protein, and nutritious vitamins and spices.

Taco Bell comes to mind as a popular food chain that serves Mexican foods. You will find tacos, burritos, and quesadillas. People in Mexico usually do not eat big platters of tortilla chips in their everyday meals. Because of the food sold in the United States, it is not very healthy. The Mexican foods in America are not as rich in nutrients. It contains high fat, sodium, and calories. It also does not include as many fresh vegetables.

Most traditional Mexican dishes have less fat and calories. This doesn’t mean you cannot enjoy the foods served in American restaurants. You can add more healthy foods to the dish. Tomatoes are high in vitamins and have lycopene which has cancer-fighting properties. Tomatoes can be added to many Mexican dishes. Beans carry high protein and fiber. Instead of eating the beans refried, try getting them whole. It cuts back on the fat. Corn is another vegetable that is healthy in Mexican foods. It is high in vitamins and contains fiber. Adding these to your Mexican dishes will make them healthier than what you are served at Taco Bell.

You may be wondering if people in Mexico eat healthier foods. In America we have the choice to go to health food stores where we can find organic foods and foods not as fattening. The only drawback is that not everyone can afford to buy these foods whenever they grocery shop. In Mexico, healthier choices are available. Each year the health food market in Mexico makes over $500 Million. The consumers make up 5 percent of Mexico’s population. Their age range is from 20 to 50 years old. They usually live in metropolitan areas and can afford to buy these types of healthier foods. If they cannot afford it, they still are not getting all the fats and calories that we find in American foods, especially fast-foods. Authentic Mexican foods still carry many vegetables and ingredients that are good for your body, and also the way the food is cooked is healthier.

You are probably wondering again, is Mexican food healthy for me. Authentic Mexican dishes are, because they carry many vitamins and are generally low in fat. America has fattened up the Mexican dishes making them not a good choice. If you want to go out to eat, try avoiding the major Mexican food chain restaurants. Find a restaurant that serves authentic dishes. It is healthier and will taste even better knowing you are giving your body good foods.