Noodling: Cooking Pasta or Catching Catfish?

Noodling conjures up images of standing over a vat of boiling water, cooking some kind of Italian pasta to perfection. This may be one definition of the term, but in reference to one of the oddest fishing styles known, it refers to the art of fishing for catfish using only bare hands and a big stick for prodding purposes. That is correct; using only your bare hands to feel your way along the mud-caked bottom of a river in search of a catfish is called noodling. Better still, these catfish can weigh an awful lot.

Noodling, also referred to as grabbling, is legal only in certain states and was practiced by Native Americans long before the settlement of Europeans. To experience noodling you must plan a trip south to Arkansas, North Carolina or Mississippi. During the Depression, it was rumored grabbling became popular as a rapid and inexpensive manner of providing food for the family. Today, grabbling as a means of fishing for flathead, channel and blue catfish is mainly for entertainment, as most grabblers practice catch-and-release.

From late May to July, when the days lengthen and water temperatures become warmer, catfish seek out shallow water to lay their eggs. Sheltered secluded locations are preferred such as boat ramps, holes in rocks and sandbanks. Once the female catfish lays her eggs, she departs the nest, leaving the male catfish to guard the eggs and keep them aerated. The male will not leave the nest until the baby catfish are ready to leave as well. Catfish are very aggressive during spawning season. For this reason, care must be taken to avoid becoming victim to that aggression when noodling.

Locate bedding catfish by running your bare hands along the river bottom in search of an opening. For a bottom-feeding fish, the catfish is rather clean and delicate. Openings are easy to find because the catfish will continue to clear its home and area. Some experienced grabblers plan their trips during the winter when water levels are low, where it is possible to see potential hideaways that will soon be submerged. They then return to these locations during spawning season.

An angry growling sound, described by some as a thump, lets you know you have located your prey. Submerging yourself is required for a good portion of the grabbling expedition; clearly, the longer you are able to hold your breath, the easier it is to grabble. Once a spawning location has been identified, use a big stick to guide the catfish out of the nest to within arms reach.

Now knowing where your prey is, place your hand with outstretched fingers into the hole. The catfish will quickly become angered at your intrusion and will strike out, either hitting your hand or grabbing your hand while biting it with its mouth. He may clamp on to your hand and attempt to pull you into the hole, hence the need for additional assistance when attempting grabbling.

Clearly, noodling is not an experience everyone will enjoy, least of all those who are faint at heart, and injury is always a possibility. For some, the pasta-cooking scenario may be much more preferable. But for a hands-on fishing experience that anyone from the young to the elderly can delight in, there is nothing quite comparable.

Fishing Accessories

For some people, fishing is a pastime. For others among us, it is a serious sport. However you perceive it, fishing is enjoyable when youve got the proper accessories to use. Here is a list of some considerations to think over.

Often there is a nice spot to fish from the shore of a pond, lake, stream or river. Other times, you will need to consider what kind of transportation you will need to get over the water. The canoe is the oldest craft. It is the traditional vehicle of the American Indian and has great traditional value, but that does not mean it is the best kind of water transportation available. A canoe can be tippy at the best of times and especially hard to handle in the wind but paddling or drifting along makes it easy to approach good spots to fish undetected.

A small rowboat without a motor is considered the best kind of boat to use since you can stand up in it to cast. Although it is best to row to the spot where you intend to fish, a small trolling motor is handy for travelling some distances. Larger pleasure boats with outboards are also recommended, but a boat with high sides is best as big lakes and broad rivers are prone to winds that can whip up big waves.

You will also need to pick out some quality footwear. This becomes especially important if you are going to fish by the side of a lake. Hip boots are the most practical for this as they can be rolled down if youre not wading. While hip boots can also be used for stream wading, chest or hip waders are traditionally best here. When choosing chest or hip-wader boots, select ones that have a loose fit. Having waders that are too tight could restrict leg motion and undue stress on the seams could leave you wet.

The proper jacket is also a necessity. Jackets come in two basic lengths: Long and short. The long style is designed for fishing from a boat or wading in shallow water. If you are planning to use chest waders, it is recommended you use a short jacket since the bottom of a long jacket would drag in the water. You should select a jacket with generous pockets for carrying lure boxes and other accessories. A hat with a visor is another good idea because you will have your eyes on the water and need some kind of shade.

The avid angler has three stashes of lure and tackle-box containers. The first stash is for the home stockpile, the second and larger one for the boat, and a third stash is for the car. That way, you will always be covered in the event of a loss or other mishap. It is a good idea to buy a large supply at the beginning of the season too so you will have lots on hand, especially if you like to fish at night.

With the right fishing accessories and gear, you can turn your fishing experience into a better one. The last thing you want when the time for that perfect catch nears is to realize you are missing an important piece of equipment. Preparedness is among the most important aspects of fishing, so make sure that you have all of the gear you need to have the best experience of your life.