Sports Nutrition Products – A Need or Just Marketing?

Even if you are into sports, youll only need your regular diet plus plenty of water. Thus, you do not need a sport nutrition product. Right? Wrong.

The need for sports and sport nutrition product

Records of antiquities show that athletics has been an integral part of earliest mans life. Athletic life was originally meant for survival through gathering food or for self protection. Later, it developed into a contest for strength, speed, skill, and mental sharpness. With the passage of time, these activities evolved into what we now know as different forms of exercises, or sports.

Our ancestors even then, fully understand the need of our body for exercise and other forms of physical activities. They instinctively know that in order to maintain their health and further developed their physical whole being, they need to have some activities. And from this early, they understand the need for a special food, the modern version of which is our sport nutrition product.

Basic dietary patterns of our ancestors

Evidences about prehistoric peoples diets can be glimpsed from the artifacts used in food preparation such as milling, baking, and ultimately cooking. From these bits of information, we are informed that the basic diet of early Greeks and Romans for instance was a perfect combination of plant and animal products. They ate several variety of cereals, vegetables, fruits (fresh and dried), and lots of wine (usually diluted with water in varying degree).

Early Greeks main meat source is that of goats. In Italy it was pork meat products specially bacon. Beef was occasionally eaten, particularly after sacrifices in numerous temples. Milk, and perhaps milk product, was a very popular food. Fish and poultry were also part of the regular diet. The slight difference of these early people with our modern diet is that olive oil was consumed in greater volume than butter. The oil was also a main source for household lighting.

Combined with good sport nutrition product, this diet, a formula made thousands of years ago, is a perfect dietary program for a modern sports man. Our ancestors knew then, that although foods abound in nature, there are several nutritional sources that fit better a healthy lifestyle.

Sports nutrition product

Fast forward into our modern setting. It is important for athletes to have good nutrition for maximum strength, optimum agility, endurance, and improved overall performance. The foundation for any successful athletic program is a good combination of a well-thought based on whole foods (veggies, fruits, whole grains, and proteins, remember the Greeks?) supplemented with a special sport nutrition product, and course a good regimen of exercise.

While it is true that dedication, good training techniques, and genetics are still the main element in an athletes effectiveness, the lack of a proper nutrition coupled with the absence of nutritional supplement like sport nutrition product can inhibit an athletes performance in any other forms of exercise.

Without a good eating habits combined with sport nutrition product, pre-games and competitions proper may end disastrously. Optimal nutrition is only attainable with perfect dietary practice, combined with sport nutrition product as important element. It is only thru a sustained adherence to this good combination of regimen and sport nutrition product that a stellar performance is assured.

Natural Sports Nutrition: The Diet for Champions

They say that great artists are made, not born. The same could also be said for athletes. Of course, genetics plays a large part in differentiating a mere athlete from a sports champion, but to be able to attain that legendary status in the Hall of Fame, an aspiring sportsman must go through the strictest of diets that will help shape and strengthen the physique.

By drinking sufficient amounts of water and consuming a balanced diet, the body can generate a lot of energy which will greatly help in boosting for top athletic performance.

What are the factors to be considered in designing a complete and healthy natural sports nutrition program?

1. Hydration

Obviously, the most important thing in natural sports nutrition is water. The significance of water can never be discounted because the human body is composed of sixty percent of it, and every bodily function cannot work without water. The good old eight-cups-of-water-a-day recommendation is essential because the body must replace the water it eliminates, like sweat and urine.

Here are some helpful reminders to maintain proper hydration:

-Instead of slugging humongous amounts of water in infrequent sittings, drink small portions in frequent durations.

-Cold beverages aid the body in cooling down body temperature, therefore cutting down the amount of sweating.

-One should drink 2-3 cups of water for every pound that the body losses after exercising.

2. Sources of Fuel

A balanced diet is another must for natural sports nutrition. Athletes must acquire the perfect combination of calories that can be consumed from protein, carbohydrates and fats, which are great sources of energy.

Carbohydrates are the most important fuel source, which can be found in foods such as breads, pastas, rice, fruits, veggies and cereals. These foods can supply the body about seventy percent of the needed daily calories. Carbs provide the body the power and endurance it needs for short-duration activities that involve maximum level of intensity. This fuel comes from the energy given by sugar and starches that the body converts.

Here are strategies to maximize the potential of carbs:

-Start loading up on carbs at least several days before prior to the competition.

-Carbs should be consumed in greater amounts in the duration of activities that lasts more than one hour to fend off the onset of fatigue.

Another imperative factor in natural sports nutrition is proteins. Athletes should eat lots of dairy, eggs, meats, fish and chicken, along with nuts and beans. Protein supplies as much as fifteen percent of calories in the body. To determine the amount of protein needed by an athlete, the following factors should be considered: his fitness level, the type of exercise along with its duration and intensity, and his overall carb and calorie intake.

The last fuel source that is important for natural sports nutrition is fats. There are two kinds: saturated and unsaturated. Although it is a significant component in nutrition, the intake of fats should be strictly monitored. Too much consumption of fats may lead to major health problems such as cancer and heart disease.

The road to sports excellence is not easy. Along with fostering courage and determination, athletes have to follow the strict regimen brought on by natural sports nutrition. But all of these will be worth the trouble once victory is achieved.