What You Need To Know About Potato Salads

Potato salad is a dish, usually an appetizer, made, obviously, from potatoes. However so, it still varies throughout different countries and regions of the world. Potato salads are more classified as side dishes than salads for they generally just precede or the follow the main course.

Many would claim on having made the best potato salad and would offer the truest and most authentic way of making it. But no matter what is said by many, the best potato salad, or any kind of salad at that matter, is purely of personal preference. Some like their potato salads mingled and just oozing with its dressing, some would prefer theirs to be really soft and tender, and others would want their potato salad to be crispy.

Potato salads are oftenly served along with hot dogs, barbecue, hamburgers, roasts and cold sandwiches. This kind of salad is categorized more as a casual fare and more oftenly served during outdoor barbecues, picnics, and other sorts of casual events or meals. But this fact is not stated to underestimate their savory goodness.

Potato salads are definitely a popular menu choice of various chefs and cooks for preparing food for a large crowd, and since they can be made in large quantities with utter ease, they can also be made in advance and kept in the refrigerator until it is their time to be served.

You must never worry about emptying your wallet when going to the grocery store to buy whatever ingredients you need for you potato salad. The ingredients needed for potato salads are inexpensive and very much affordable. Thus, you do not have to worry about making one yourself because it is, in fact, quite easy.

You would need two pounds, or approximately six large potatoes which are peeled and quartered; two stalks of chopped celery; one finely chopped onion, of which you could cook using a microwave on high level for just one minute to be able to reduce that hotness, if you want, that is; four green onions that you have sliced for just of an inch thick; one large carrot, shredded; cup of a sweet pickle relish; cup of chopped red onion; one teaspoon of dry parsley; a half teaspoon of mustard seeds; you would also need pepper or salt for the taste, along with balsamic or wine vinegar, and also with yogurt or a nonfat mayonnaise.

Of course you have to cook the potatoes in boiling water for approximately fifteen minutes, or when the potatoes are already barely tender. You have to check every minute or so after the first ten minutes have gone by. Once you have confirmed of the cooked status of your potatoes, cut them into smaller pieces. After that, just leave them be so that they will cool down. Then, you should mix the other ingredients you have also prepared in a large bowl. Once you are confident that you mixed them finely, add your already cooled potatoes, and then mix them, altogether, well.

When all these are done, chill your self-made potato salad, but just do not forget to stir it a couple of times during the chilling time you have alotted for it.

Meat On The Outdoor Grill

Meat-A Classic On The Grill

When it comes to outdoor grilling, the first thing most likely that would come to most peoples minds are the nice and tender prime rib cuts, steaks, rack of ribs and many other cuts of meat that are undoubtedly good tasting when grilled. Considering this, an outdoor grilling party with family or friends would never be complete without a few slices of these.

So for you to enjoy grilling meat outdoors, you could use a few tips and guidelines when it comes to choosing, preparing and grilling them. So to help you with that matter, here are some seemingly helpful tips and guidelines to turn your favorite cuts of meat into something that would make outdoor barbecues much more enjoyable for you and everyone else.

Choosing The Perfect Cut

The perfect grilled meats start of by choosing a good cut. The better the quality you would get the better tasting the meat is. By saying good quality, that means that the meat should have a good marble of fat in it. The marble of fat must not be too much or too little but just a good amount. If you are wondering why it is so, the fat makes the meat tender and adds a good flavor. Too little of it could make the beef tough and too much of it would make it good either.

Also make sure that the meat that you will be choosing is quite red in color. The redder it is, the better. This is a good sign that the meat is freshly cut. Never pick one that is pale since it might have been on the shelves for days. The quality of the food you will grill will rely heavily on how good the meat is so make sure that you choose carefully.

Preparing The Meat

When you get home from where you bought the meat, you can keep the meat in room temperature as long as you will grill it that very same day. The very common misconception people would have on this is that you should put the meat straight into the refrigerator right after you get home from the market. This however is not true since meat does not spoil that easily and if you put it in the refrigerator the very same day you grill it, it could even lose some of its flavor.

Before grilling, the meat should be completely thawed and ready for grilling. Try to cut off amounts of fat that can be seen on the side. Depending on what you are planning to make, you can also season the cuts with marinade although a lot of people would prepare having the meat unseasoned or a la pobre.

Grilling The Meat

Now that everything is ready, the meat is all suited up to be tossed on top of your grill and get cooked. In grilling meat, you can have it rare, medium-rare, medium-well or well done and never have it overcooked. Overcooked meat is very tough and is practically tasteless so be careful not to burn it. For steaks, the best way to have it is to have it directly on top of fire.

If you do this right, you will have steaks that are very tasty, tender with all the juices right in it. Serve the meats with some nice side dishes and some red wine and you are sure to have another pleasant outdoor grilling memory.