Who Loves Ice Cream?

It is a safe bet to say that most Americans love ice cream! It has been a standard part of most people’s diets for many generations. But if you ask a dozen different people what they like the most, you will probably receive a dozen different answers. It seems that each person has his or her own preferences; and with ice cream, they are usually very strong preferences. Each person simply knows what he or she likes the most. Surprisingly– or not– there are a number of factors which influence this type of preference, determining why some people prefer specific ice creams over others. While a person may occasionally try something new and different, he or she will usually have one flavor and one form that he or she likes the best.

Studies have shown that the main deciding factor in this preference is set in childhood. Ice cream, a standard treat for most American children throughout the decades, is often associated with good, happy, carefree moments of childhood. Sometimes this factor includes specific events in one’s childhood, or simply the time-period itself.

Associating one’s ice cream choices in adult life to early childhood is not as odd as it may sound. Ice cream preferences may be connected to childhood experiences, such as the favored dessert at one’s family dinners, the main focus at birthday parties, or a treat given as a reward for special accomplishments. Statistics show that if you were given a vanilla ice cream cone after attaining a good report card, for example, decades later you will still have a distinct preference for vanilla ice cream.

In ice cream preferences, there are a number of other factors which influence preference. Some are so common that the clerks who work in ice cream shops can often make very accurate guesses as to what a customer will want before he or she orders, simply based on these factors. Young children, for example, are those who are most likely to request the most creative types of ice cream. Youngsters are naturally drawn to such tasty oddities as gummy bears, and it presents a double treat for them when such things are added into or mixed into their ice cream.

On the other hand, high schoolers have a distinct preference for milkshakes. Teenagers loved milkshakes fifty years ago, and teenagers today love them just as much. Whether it is the still-popular oldfashioned form of a malted, or the ever-increasing flavor and style varieties of Dairy Queen Blizzards, teens love these products which are sold in large cups, portable and delicious.

Not surprisingly, it is the trendy young adults who usually prefer the trendy ice creams. Being drawn to the unusual names which ice cream manufacturers give these products, and the unusual compositions of these ice creams which may or may not live up to their names, young adults go for what is new, modern, and different.

Although each person is individual, of course, studies have shown generalizations in the ice cream preferences of people by group. Women have been shown to be more in-tune with the weight aspect of the foods they consume, and make up the majority of those who most often choose the low-fat and light styles of ice cream. Women are also shown to be more cautious in their food choices, preferring standard, basic, and what is most familiar.

On the other hand, it is usually the men who are most inclined to “throw caution to the wind” in their choices of desserts and treats, choosing their ice cream mostly on the basis of taste and enjoyment. But whether male or female, the older people are the more likely they are inclined toward butter pecan and pistachio.

Ice Cream For Children

When eaten in moderation, ice cream is a very healthy food for children. Most children, however, would not be impressed by hearing about the health benefits, calorie content, or ingredients of ice cream, so it is up to the adults to present this food in manners which will interest them the most. This is not to say that many children need much encouragement to eat ice cream, for it is generally a favored treat without requiring any explanations!

First, and above all, children will automatically be drawn to ice cream simply because it tastes good. As a treat which has withstood the test of time, being popular to children of every generation, today’s youngsters have many more varieties and forms of ice cream to enjoy than children did in generations of the past. With ice cream, a child can select his favorites from such forms as ice cream sandwiches, ice cream bars, sundaes, cones, and the ever-popular scoops. All of these forms fit nicely into a child’s active lifestyle, as they are easily portable. Children who might dislike taking the time to sit at the table to eat a snack appreciate being able to take a hand-held ice cream bar or ice cream sandwich along to wherever they are going.

Children also like the fact that there are so many flavors of ice cream to choose from. Although it is a rare child who does not have one particular favorite, the elements of variety and of choice have an important appeal to most youngsters. While he may love chocolate, and, likewise, choose chocolate ninety-nine percent of the time, having thirty other flavors from which he can choose if he so desires is a factor which children like. Having choices is something which all children appreciate; and ice cream certainly fits that category!

Anything which is presented as a learning experience, when presented in an interesting manner, is something which most children enjoy. Considering the fact that ice cream has been a popular part of American life for more than two hundred years, there is plenty of information that children will like to learn about. As each youngster has his own particular field of interest, you have the opportunity to present the subject in the range which most interests your child. For example, one child will be greatly interested in hearing that Dolly Madison served ice cream at the President’s inauguration dinner; another child would like to hear about what types of ice cream his favorite celebrities prefer; and other children will be more interested in learning the details of how, when, and where ice cream was originally invented.

Most children love that which is familiar, and also that which is unique. With ice cream, they can have the best of both. Ice cream can be a source of delight at their special occasions, and can also be presented in ways which make for good, lasting memories. While ice cream on or with cake has been a standard at birthday parties and other family gatherings for generations, there are ways to make it even more enjoyable for the children. In addition to birthday parties and other expected events, you can host a “getting out of school for the summer” celebration, or a party for a specific holiday, and make ice cream a focused part of the festivities by assisting the children in making their own.

Whether you use a hand-cranked ice cream maker, or make the ice cream in plastic bags, children will greatly enjoy this experience which is not time-consuming, complicated or messy as one might think. Youngsters will love the unique taste of homemade ice cream, as it is decidedly different from the boxed type found in grocery stores, and they will enjoy being an active part of its production.

Although ice cream is a healthy part of a child’s diet, most youngsters prefer to eat it simply because it tastes good and it can be given to them in ways which will even increase their enjoyment!

How We Are Influenced To Want Ice Cream

The American public is influenced to want ice cream. It is not about “subliminal messages” or anything else of an unusual nature. The public is naturally influenced by what we see and what we hear. The truth is that whatever our own personal opinion or reaction that fact may be, we cannot discount the strong influence the media has over our choice of what we purchase and consume. It affects various people in various ways, but it does in fact affect us all. One of the best effects is that it keeps both the ice cream companies and the consumers happy!

One aspect of influence is that the American public loves its celebrities. While this particular subject may not be as strong an influential factor on the older members of the population, it is one of the most important for the youngsters. Children love to emulate their favorite celebrities; and as more and more celebrities put every personal aspect of the lives in the spotlight, their likes and dislikes and preferences are all displayed for their young fans to copy.

While adults may not fully understand children’s wish to eat the same foods as their favorite stars, the fact is that it does have a very strong influence on the children’s preferences. Pop star Britney Spears, for example, lists her favorite food as Cookie Dough ice cream. The current favorite ice cream of Justin Timberlake: Baskin-Robbins Daiquiri Ice.

Another influencing factor are television commercials. As companies such as ice cream companies pay to sponsor these advertisements, the point is to draw in as many potential customers as possible, and influence people’s choices in their ice cream purchases. While there are fewer of these televised commercials now than in the past, they continue to be a strong influencing factor.

A recent poll has shown that twenty percent of the viewers like these ads; and that more men than women like them. The most important point, though, is that these commercials do work. One recent report has shown that Haagen-Dazs sales have risen more than three and a half percent in one year’s time. Appealing to today’s consumer, who prefers a combination of simplicity and indulgence, the Haagen-Dazs ice cream company not only creates winning ice cream, but winning television commercials. And while the new commercial produced by Turkey Hill Dairy to advertise their new Duetto ice cream has only begun to be broadcast, so its results are not yet available, the commercial which shows painting cows to reflect the flavor swirls of the Duetto ice cream is sure to reach some degree of success in influencing consumers to try this new product.

Ice cream is popular in many media forms. This, also, is an influencing factor. When we see ice cream in movies and television shows, we want it. When we hear ice cream being sung about in popular songs, we want it. While it is unlikely that ice cream companies are behind this in any manner, they probably appreciate the influence it has on the American public’s rush to the local grocery stores to buy the ice cream products that we hear about and see. For fans who do not get enough references to ice cream in movies and songs, one also has the opportunity to download MP3s of their favorite ice cream truck tunes!

Fishing With Children

Often times as adults, we want to share our hobbies and pastimes with our children. However, it can be difficult to decide when that pastime is appropriate. Children have shorter attention spans that make it difficult to calculate when they are ready for certain things. Fishing is a common hobby of many people around the world and many people are eager to introduce their children to fishing the minute they can hold a fishing rod. Fishing is a lesson in patience for children and a structured way to teach them a sport that involves precision and safety.

When you take your child fishing, the most important thing to keep in mind is their safety. What kind of fishing are you trying to introduce? Are you thinking about a day of bottom fishing? Does pier fishing suit your needs? Are you going to go all out and take your child for a deep-sea fishing excursion?

Regardless of what you decide is best, you should have the basic safety essentials with you at all times. A first aid kit is mandatory because whenever a kid is involved accidents will happen. Children tend to get poked, scratched, and barbed, so you need to be prepared. If you are going out into the sea and away from the shore, make sure that you have life jackets and make sure that your child is wearing one even he or she has no intention of getting into the water. Keep in mind your childs abilities when it comes to swimming. If you do not think that they are a strong swimmer, you may want to keep your boat docked.

Make sure to buy and stock your childs tackle box. A youngsters first tackle box should be small and lightweight. There is nothing complex about the contents of a beginner’s tackle box. All a child needs are some pre-tied hooks, some bobbers, a couple of weights, swivels, and small scissors or fingernail clippers to cut their line. A tackle box is a fingerprint for many who view it as a personal expression.

Make sure to lead by example when you take your child fishing. Teach them how to keep the line taut so that they will be able to respond properly if a fish bites their line. As soon as your child feels the bite, teach them how to set the hook. Tug back on the rod in order to firmly set the hook in the fishs lip. Take the time with your child to let them learn techniques like playing the fish. Part of the fun of fishing is the struggle between the man and the fish, so let your child have the entire experience and not just a partial one.

When you introduce fishing to your child, you have certain advantages to teaching them at a younger rather than older age. Younger child have a greater absorption rate with a desire to soak up as much information as they can. Take the time that you and your child are sharing to educate them about catch and release regulations and fishing for food as opposed to pleasure.

If your child decides that they want to let the fish that you catch go, make sure that you know the right way to release. Cleaning the fish can either make a child vomit or ask when the next trip is going to be, so use discretion in regards to age when preparing your catch for dinner.