Different Types of Barbeque Grills

Summer is here, which means that it is time to begin grilling and preparing awesome barbeque parties. The only problem is, you have not bought your barbeque grill yet. When purchasing your first grill, you will find that you have a large array of options available to you. It may seem overwhelming at first due to the almost endless amount of possibilities and options available. The best way to decide on what type of grill is right for you is by educating yourself about them.


Barbeque grills can range from extremely cheap to very expensive depending on the type and features available on it.

If you are looking for a cheaper grill, then you should probably consider a charcoal grill. While larger charcoal grills are available, smaller grills can be purchased for as little as $10 to $15 at your local department store. Fancier, large charcoal grills can be purchased for about $60 to $75. Charcoal requires purchasing charcoal and lighter fluid each time you, so you must remember this when considering the cost.

Propane grills are slightly more expensive, starting around $100 dollars.

A smoker grill is slightly more expensive then a propane grill at about $130 each.

Natural gas grills on the higher end of cost. The mechanical part of this grill make it larger and more complex. The Natural gas grills are meant to be hooked up to your home line. Typically these types of grills start at about $300.

Multiple fuel grills are the most expensive at about $450 and up. Multiple fuel grills allow you to grill using one or a combination of fuels.

Ease of Use

The easiest grill to use is by far the natural gas grill. Natural gas grills are designed to hook directly into your homes natural gas line, eliminating the need to provide the fuel source. Natural gas grills are also one of the easiest grills to clean since you do not have to worry about cleaning out the charcoal or wood.

The next in line would be the propane grills, as they have similar features of the natural gas grills. The only issue keeping Propane grills from being equal to natural gas grills is the fact that you must provide the propane somehow. This usually means hauling and handling propane tanks.

The hardest grills to use are charcoal and smoker grills. Both types of grills require additional purchases of supplies, and then requires extra cleaning once grilling is complete.


If you are concerned with flavor, you first choice should be a charcoal or smoker grill. Both of these grills allow you to replicate a true smoked flavor. Smokers are especially nice because you can also control the flavor by changing the type of wood or wood chips you use. This is good if you are wanting to slow cook your meat.

If you are wanting to cook something a little quicker, you may want to stick with the charcoal grill. A Charcoal grill will cook quickly if you want it too, and it will still provide a good smoked taste.


Finally, the space you have available should be a consideration. When you grill is not in use, you must have a proper place to store it. Charcoal and Propane grills are ideal for smaller areas such as apartments and city homes. If you have a large amount of space available, then you may want to consider the larger options.

Choosing The Perfect Outdoor Grill

Because of its versatility, the fun it would give to you and your family, the exquisite flavors it would give to different types of food and the many memories you could have with one; it is no wonder that the outdoor grill has already become an essential part of the American backyard. So if you are planning on getting your own, you must be aware that you will have to look at a lot of things before buying to make sure you end up with one that you would really enjoy.

The most common disappointment for people who would buy outdoor grills is that the grill is either too large, too small, too much features or too little features. This is because they do not plan carefully before they buy it so they end up with one that they are not satisfied with. When buying outdoor grills, you must consider that you have a whole lot of options and this would require you to plan a lot for you to end up with the perfect grill for you and your family.

Plan Carefully

Weeks before planning to buy an outdoor grill, you should already have solid plans or ideas of what you would need to buy. When doing this, take note of how large or small you want your grill to be, what features you need and if there are any other objects that you would want your grill to have. Taking a look at the available options you have on the market might also give you more ideas as to what you would really need.

Take note that outdoor grills are definitely not cheap and would cost a little more expensive than other outdoor house appliances. Consider that the main factors that would affect price are the brand name, the features and the size. With this, think of what you want and what you can afford and try to look for a good balance in between. You are sure to be delighted with what you will have if you plan carefully.

The Grills Size

The bigger a grill is, the more it can cook in less time. That is the main advantage of having larger grills however, if you have a small family and dont really use the barbecue that often then you might not really need a big one. If it is for family use, try to go for the smaller ones. These grills are made specifically for that purpose and would effectively and efficiently do that job.

If you have backyard parties often and invite friends to your place every once in a while then you should definitely go for the bigger ones. These would really do a lot in less time plus these are most likely decked with features that would cook the food easier and make it taste much better. Take note that size is one of the key factors you should consider when grilling.


Along with the improvement of technology, the classic grill has become more than a metal box that makes barbecues. Some outdoor grills now would come complete with 4 burners, a smoker, steamer and many other fancy features. While these are undoubtedly amusing, take note of what you just need. These are also a major influence to price so you must be extra sure that you really need it.

With careful planning, buying outdoor grills with the right features should not be too difficult for you.

Picking The Perfect Outdoor Grill

Grills Galore

Depending on what you feel would suit you the best, what you will be cooking most of the time and how much you can actually afford are some of the vital factors you must consider when buying outdoor grills. You have to take note that different grill would have different features, would have its fortes and weaknesses and as well as would suit a place depending on where you plan to put it in. With the many options you have, you are sure to be delighted when choosing one.

A grill is a reasonably large investment but if you have a backyard, you might as well consider it as a necessity. A good outdoor grill would put that moss gathering backyard of yours into a party or a barbecue place. So to help you come up with a grill that you need, you want or you have to get, here are some tips for you to get what you really need.

Consider The Features

You must be aware that different models of outdoor grills have different features and not all those features could be used by you. If you want something that is light, portable and would serve only you and a few guests, friends or family then you could go for a simple fire pit. This is the cheapest type and the most portable one. For bigger units, think about how much burners you will need and what fancy features you could use.

Some large grills would already have some space for indirect grilling, different levels of separation from heat and a feature that would allow you to smoke items easier. Only buy this type of you really want it, always remember that you can still do those things even if your grill does not have all those fancy features. Also take note that this would influence pricing too much, the more fancy features and outdoor grill has, the more expensive the grill is most likely to be.

Consider The Price

The prices of grill would range from very cheap to almost impossible to buy for a lot of us. So even before you think about buying a grill, it is very important to canvas for your options. Always looking for good buys will help you save so much and still get a lovely outdoor grill in the end. The internet even has good options for grills that are for sale so be sure to check it out.

Take note of the factors that would affect pricing greatly. The most visible factor is size; the larger a grill is, the more expensive it is and that happens almost all of the time. However with the new innovations of the companies that make grills, fancy features are also affecting prices too much. Not to mention that a lot of those are quite tempting. Another is brand name; the more famous it is the more expensive it is. So when buying an outdoor grill, look for a balance between what you need and what you can buy.

Other Things To Consider

When it comes to choosing grills, safety also has to be something that should be considered heavily considering that grilling is not an activity that is completely safe. Newer grills are known to be much safer than most old grills, this is because makers have made it in a manner that the user of it would not get sparks and have prevented other potential sources of danger. With safer and better grills, you as well as everyone else is sure to be delighted with the grill you will buy.