Sports Nutrition: Have The Body And Endurance Of An Athlete

Sports Nutrition: Have The Body And Endurance Of An Athlete

We envy athletes for their trimmed physique and endurance to long hours of physical activities. They achieve the body and endurance that we envy because of regular exercise, body training, proper diet and sports nutrition supplements.

Sports nutrition supplements may be in a form of capsule, powdered shakes, liquid food and candy-like bars. What are sports nutrition supplements and what they can do to your body are the things that you should know first before you head to your local health stores for gallons of protein shakes, carbohydrates bar, and amino acid capsules.

Sports Nutrition Supplements: Vitamins and Minerals

Some people think that sports nutrition supplements such as vitamins or minerals help enhance their performance in the field. According to many experts, however, extra intakes of vitamins and minerals don’t add up to improvement in performance, unless of course the athlete is suffering from vitamin or mineral deficiencies.

A well-balanced diet can meet most of the daily vitamin and mineral needs of an athlete.

Avoid sports nutrition supplements that claim to be ‘herbal’ in nature. Don’t self-prescribe vitamin oil supplements or ‘herbal’ muscle grower without asking your physician first. Usually, these ‘herbal’ supplements go in the guise of herbal supplement, when in fact they are capsules of steroids.

If you want to help your immune system, you can take megadoses of vitamin C. Vitamin C is water soluble and excess of which is easily discharged through sweat and urine.

To avoid sports anemia, especially to females who lose blood every month due to menstruation, the mineral iron should be part of an athlete’s list of sports nutrition supplements. Iron, in blood, is responsible for carrying clean oxygen to healthy body cells and removing carbon dioxide from them.

Taking iron supplements should be done with caution. There is such a thing as iron overdose. Consult your physician first before you take iron as part of your sports nutrition supplement.

Sports Nutrition Supplements: Proteins and Carbohydrates

Protein and carbohydrate are two of the most important sports nutrition supplements. Protein help the muscle grow and gain strength while carbohydrates fuel the body for long hours of exercise ahead.

Although an athlete can get protein and carbohydrates through his daily diet, he can get the large amount he needs by drinking protein shakes or eating a protein bar. There are also carbohydrates supplements in powder and bar form.

These sports nutrition supplements may be added to an athlete’s daily meal. Powdered proteins and carbohydrates are delicious ingredients to a glassful of smoothies or fruit punch.

These sports nutrition supplements are also good for people who are on the go. They are good meal replacements for those who want to lose weight or meal addition for those who want to gain weight.

Nonetheless, anyone who has decided to add these sports nutrition supplements in their daily diet, they should also make it a point to exercise regularly to synthesize and burn out those protein and carbohydrates in the body.

Coral Calcium Greatest Advantage

Calcium is one of the minerals that are good for the bones and are said to be able to treat some diseases such as diabetes, Alzheimers, lupus and cancer. However there are no research studies that have proven that coral calcium is capable of treating diseases better than other carbonated calcium pills which are not expensive.

Coral calcium became widely popular in the internet and health stores lately; however coral calcium pills are the most high priced in the history of pills.

Manufacturers claim that coral calcium is beneficial for treating almost two hundred kinds of diseases and also good for relieving pain. Advertisements and some websites are announcing that coral calcium cures cancer. They site a situation in Okinawa Japan where people who lives there are having a longer life span because the water that they are drinking has high level contents of coral calcium. Coral calcium is making the water into alkaline and it balances the acidity of the body in an individual. So coral calcium are good for acidic persons but be aware that you may experience some difficulties upon swallowing the pills if your acidity body contents are similar as the acidity in the labels imply.

Coral calcium is made out of corals and other sea creatures shells having higher contents of calcium carbonate and other minerals including magnesium.

Coral calcium is a dietary supplement so it is unregulated. People should learn that such products could not be safe even if its manufacturers are claiming its benefits. As history tells about supplements, there are basically some that has calcium contents that have found out to be unsafe thus some of them was tested to have higher lead contents which are health hazards.

Coral calcium alone cannot fight diseases. It must be combined with drinking mineral or spring water rich in oxygen and higher pH factor and other minerals or elements providing the natural ability of the body to fight back diseases.

Coral calcium is good for increasing the level of oxygen in the body helping it to get rid of toxicity build up. If you are a keen observer, you can determine the feeling of being sluggish after eating junk food or a heavy meal. It is because the oxygen are diverted away from the bodys main metabolic functions making it hard to digest high calories.

Coral calcium offered the greatest advantage of balancing the pH alkaline level in the body in helping the system of the body fight or prevent diseases from attacking.